He reached out and caught the tail of her shirt, yanking her back before she could go running off too far. "Hold on, you ridiculous thing," he snickered, shoving away from the wall and dusting off the back of his pants in case they'd gotten anything on them. "Gods, you pay attention to something about as long as a spaniel pup."
But he considered it as he looked down at her - and for once, there was nothing flirtatious or seductive in his gaze, just a careful weighing of the pros and cons.
Pros: He could keep an eye on her. He could use her later to steal more stuff since she made a lovely distraction. He might get to fuck her.
Cons: She was really damn conspicuous. She'd know where he lived, and might steal his shit. She might stab him if he tried to fuck her.
"What the hell," he finally sighed, shrugging a little. "But I will not be sleeping on the floor, little swan, so if it's a mattress you want you'll have to share it with me. And trust me, I'm quite capable of believing that you'll cut my dick off if I try anything, so don't even bother with the threats. Oh, and if you steal anything from me, I slit your pretty little throat," he said, just as casually as he'd explained the rest of it. Again, not a threat - just a fact. "Deal?"