He hid a smirk when she looked away from him, but just barely. Gods, but she was easy to screw with. Or perhaps he was just oh-so-good at playing the idiot. Either one was fine by him, because it kept her underestimating him, and that was always something that worked to his advantage.
Human. Right. He wasn't born yesterday. Had only seen one or two other Konti in his long years, and though he'd no idea what exactly they were, he knew what they looked like. Could identify most of the non-humans on sight, at least the ones who'd ever come through Syliras. Not because he was a scholar, but because that was the sort of information he could sell, and sometimes to just those people Nel was trying to avoid. Money was money, after all, and he didn't know any of them. Or rather, didn't know them well enough to manipulate.
He let the silence stretch a little longer as they turned a few more corners, his ambling steps never really hurried. "Like I said, you probably won't have anything to worry about," he shrugged. For one, because he wouldn't be selling her location to any slavers unless she proved useless to him. And for two, well. So long as she was useful, it was doubtful anyone would be dragging her out of his city without a fight.
They finally wound up on a street lined with identical buildings, what was obviously a sort of residential area for bachelors and such. He trudged around to the back alley of one and then up two flights of extraordinarily creaky stairs until he reached the top floor. Shoved a key in the lock, then pushed open the door to reveal his home-sweet-home.
It was fairly small, only one room about twenty feet square, with a bed taking up one corner and a table and chair by the meager hearth. For all that it was small, it was impeccable clean and organized, everything in its place. There was a small shelf beside the bed that looked to have been cobbled together by hand out of discarded bits of wood, and on it lay a few of the worthless baubles he'd stolen over the years. A flaking leather ring, a little bouquet of dried flowers, at least a dozen little bits of trash that weren't worth a copper miza between them all, but likely had some value to Murdoch.
"There's a well down in the courtyard if you wanna haul up some water for a bath," he said, pointing at the small bucket that likely served as something to hunch over while you sponged yourself off. "You got a blanket in your pack?" he asked, eying her curiously.