Winter, Day 22, AV 511
Syna sat high in the sky above the many courtyards of the Monastery as Lu made his way into one. He had found that the meditations with others had their benefits, but he preferred meditating alone. Entering into the large space, he inhaled and exhaled slowly, surveying the grand horizon which was presented from this higher point of view. He had tied his arm splint into his sash, mostly to keep it from being jostled. The pain was not as severe as it was initially, but one awkward bump and the sickening pulse would return in a heartbeat.
He took a seat in the center of the courtyard, positioning himself into the standard meditating posture. His back was straight, legs folded in, his free arm in his lap, the cupped open palm facing toward the sky. Meditation had been a part of his life ever since he had joined the Monastery seven years ago. First, eyes were closed. Of course, this seemed to be a given as to remove thoughts it helps to also remove visual distractions that feed thoughts. Second, breathing. Everyone must do it, but the rhythmic rising and falling of the chest provides a natural focus instead of the chatter of the mind. Finally, with full attention on the body, the mind would rattle and attempt to lock on to any slight distraction, be it a bird overhead, a slight itch, a nearby conversation. All sorts of things stood ready to rob an Acolyte of focus. The key was to remain absolutely still and present, focused on the breaths.
Once a point of stasis was achieved, where silence became prominent and the vessel was empty, the true vision of the meditation could begin to take hold. Today, Lu sought the wisdom and guidance of Wysar, a popular Deity among the Shinya. Wysar symbolized Integrity, Conviction and Discipline, all of which were core values of the Shinya, so it was natural for Lu to follow Him while honoring Syna, Leth and of course, Zintila. He believed that singular focus on one Deity was left for the role of the Priest, while honoring all aspects of one's life required honoring all Deities that reigned over the beliefs he carried.