First of all, I'm really sorry that I am utterly incompetent at offering words of comfort to people but I'm trying my best.
I hope you're feeling better now about the drama incident. People can be really horrible and cause unnecessary drama. It happens a lot. And the things they say and do feels more horrible the higher the stress level we have so I know how it feels when something that you think shouldn't affect you is making you feel very annoyed and frustrated. Just breathe and eat sweets or something. And cuddle with Cookie too! It's nice to let off some steam when it's needed. However, if those people are being that mean then they don't deserve any more extra attention from you.
And I hate stress too. I know most people don't like it. To Hai with stress.
Plus, no honey, you're not stupid. How can you be when you're able to give your best and help out in WR? And you say the most wonderful things when I need them the most and I think that is what's more important. To be needed and appreciated by the people who care, I mean. And I'd bet even your true friends will think so too. It's sad that a former friend is being such a prick, but it happens. There are people who are too proud to admit that they're wrong that they resort to shaming those around them. Pride is nice as long as kept in check. Unreasonably proud people are one of the worst people you can meet.
Just take it easy for now and chill. You just recovered from a horrible cold after all. *hugs*