Pushing open the doors, he listened to Armond's description of the Strands with growing dread. This place was like a trap, a monstrous trap for the unwary and the foolish. How could one leave? Could THEY leave? It was the open door that dispelled Wrenmae's barest hopes that there was no more illusion involved with this mission. Two of the same men, Common and Armond, both of them identical save for the color seeping from Common's body. It was uncanny, disturbing even. In fact, it seemed to be that Armond and Common were even wearing the same clothing.
It was eerie, too eerie, and at first Wrenmae only stood at the door and watched them, the one struggling to bring the other up. Obviously weakened, Common leaned heavily on Armond and the merchant turned desperate eyes on the storyteller, already moving for the door.
Cursing under his breath, Wrenmae dashed out ahead of them, pooling res again and blasting more sand from the path, clearing a way for all of them to move unhampered through the trap. Shadows, gray shadows, began to gather at the edges of the room, at the doors. Common looked colorless, literally, only a faint tinge of color filling hi body with the effort of movement. It was as if the sands were stealing his very life.
Like it was stealing Wrenmae's
And he could feel it.
The Strain was gone when they entered the room, only his sword remained. Wrenmae did his best to put out of his mind the image of the man collapsing to sand for failing, helping Armond boost Common through the hole to the church.
Armond got a leg up next, Wrenmae straining under the larger mans weight, before being pulled up by the merchant. They exited the church at a hobbling run, the sands blowing around them, almost a barrier, almost as if it was physically holding them back.
Wrenmae let Armond had the lead, unsure which way in the Strands he should go. Distant human figures jogged lazily in their direction, curious no doubt, and only moments from outrage. They moved without speaking, saving their breath to help the 'master' toward the door.
It came into sight, a beacon to a home Wrenmae had only just come to fully appreciate, and it was hard for him to not break into a run to reach it. Instead he let Armond and Common open the door, all of them stepping out of the Stands in a flurry of grey sand and gasping breaths.
Wrenmae laid there a few moments, eyes closed, not daring to believe he'd made it back from that nightmarish realm in one piece.
Or maybe it was all a dream, a terrible nightmare...and it was only now...that he started to awake. |