Scratch skidded to a halt and dropped down into the grass when she heard the other human shout a greeting. She was already behaving foolishly, and there was no reason to suspect she could take on two fully grown men, at least not without some serious planning.
She waited for a time, listening to their conversation and trying to decide whether she could approach them without being killed on sight. They seemed inclined to team up, which meant no dinner for Scratch tonight. It also cut down the time she would have to convince them she was friendly before they decided to kill her just in case.
She started crawling away through the grass, planning to find an easier target, or maybe even give up for the day, but as she was turning she stepped on a twig, wincing as the *SNAP* sounded incredibly loud to her ears. She froze in place once more, straining her ears to see if anyone had noticed her.