Aello's feet pushed up against the forest floor, propelling her forward. Her arms swung with her step, her chest too, rose and fell, all the more rapidly, as she began to draw in more ragged breaths. She thought she could hear it, even over the clamor of Xalet's armor. The way the metal plates and rings clashed against each other as he forced himself after her. She could sense him still, his aura a dark silhouette against the endless stream of brown bark, floating several steps behind. How did he know? Aello wondered, as she forced herself to keep on running. As she moved, she thought she could see Xalet gaining on her, but she wasn't really sure, nor did she really care. His aim wasn't too great, and he'd have to stop and load before he could fire at her, which would offer more than enough time to escape his clutches and carry out her plan. Not only that, but he'd have to be pretty caught up by then for her to be within his weapon's sight, which she doubt he could ever accomplish, considering how his armor seemed to weigh him down. Figuring then, it best to simply evade him, and move on with what she had in mind, Aello veered sharply to the left. She kept to the far end of the trees whenever she could, putting them between herself and Xalet as she brought herself back around, in a wide circle, designed to keep herself at the outer edge of his range, but well within the confines of her own. He's not going to know what hit him, she thought, as she kept on running. |