Horse Play (closed)

Banir decides to visit the stables, and perhaps a friend

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Horse Play (closed)

Postby Zygaud on January 16th, 2012, 9:25 pm

Zygaud was becoming rather confused with the comings and goings of those present. It seemed for a time as though a fight were to break out, and he noticed that Banir had seemed to choose him as a combative partner. This pleased him, though is was easily understandable. He had the strength of ten men, and wasn't exactly a virgin when it came to combat. Had he a choice, he'd likely align himself with the largest creature present as well. At least the largest one that didn't appear to be a pissed-off animal.

As things calmed down, Zygaud cast his gaze about the area and allowed himself to release a contemplative sigh. He'd have left, but he had nothing to do. This was one of those days where he'd just explore the city and hone his abilities. He'd undergone such a training regime just recently, and was in no immediate need of another. "So... what now" the large Jamoura asked in a curious growl.
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Horse Play (closed)

Postby Yuros on January 18th, 2012, 1:44 am

The Hunter moved away, and with her went the smell of blood. Yuros shook his head and stamped the ground a few more times for affect, and when he raised his antlered head the Kelvic felt a sense of pride seeing the Hunter flee from what he assumed was his display of strength. A feeling similar to pride caused the great stag to lift his head higher and to let out a call, almost a taunt to the retreating back as he turned to receive Alea's thanks. However, instead of her look of approval Yuros found that she and the beasts were gone. Huffing and turning about the Kelvic cast his gaze over the others in the group, wondering if they had seen where she had gotten to.

Blinking slowly Yuros bent down to sniff Banir, the smell of blood staining his usual scent. Nudging him slightly, a bit more affectionately than one would expect, Yuros breathed out and nodded to the man. Leaning up Yuros cast his gaze over the Jamoura once more, blinking slowly as he noted Zy's height almost matched his own, and the feel of the Spire was as stong from him as it was from the Kelvic himself. Grunting with approval Yuros inclined his head to Zy, a show of respect given to very few.

Turning Yuros found the tracks of the silly creatures that bore the Huntress, and set off at a swift trot. Breathing in the chilled air Yuros absently wondered if he should pick up the clothing he had discarded, but with a shake of his head the thought was lost with the rush of wind over his fur as he made his way in the direction of the Stables.
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Horse Play (closed)

Postby Cilion on January 18th, 2012, 2:26 am

Cil sighs, relieved no one got hurt...Oh wait...That guy with the fighting claw..Well..he said he's fine.. He shrugs, unsure what to do now, sighs again and stretches his arm. I hate that feeling a bit after archery training..Muscles sore. He nods to the Jamoura, "What now indeed..?..Crisis averted and all..Should we just head to the stables..?...I know i am, but, are you all coming too? I was initially going to check on the animals before this all happenned..Plus i want to make sure that girl heard me about the water.."

He whistles, Sentai coming back happily wagging his tail as Cil begins to scritch his ears. "If everyone is coming, As i said I'm Cilion, and you all are..?" after listening to their names politely, his eyes go to a light purple of normalcy. He briskly starts walking to the stables, his tongue clicking for Sentai to come. As he leaves he can be heard explaining -in Vani- to Sentai what has happenned after he had to leave for the horses sake.

When he arrives at the stables he walks through all of them to see what animals are currently held there, curiosity. Then, goes to find Alea, if he finds her he smiles lightly, "did you get the poor horse some water..?"
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Horse Play (closed)

Postby Alea Davenport on January 18th, 2012, 4:10 am

Alea's first action upon arriving at the stables was to lead both horses to a water trough, tying their leads to within reach of the water. After removing the saddle from Firefly and putting it away, she picked up her spare cloak from where Blizzard had discarded it, and put it back on. She had a feeling she'd be using her Kelvic cloak, as she called it, again before long.

She then took out the grooming supplies, and started with the curry comb, going over the colt's sweaty coat in gentle circles. She patted his nose gently as he thirstily gulped water from the trough. Grooming the horses relaxed her almost as much as fishing did. Though, she did feel bad she couldn't groom both horses at once; she felt bad making as wonderful a horse as Firefly wait to be groomed.

She had to take a brief pause in her grooming when Yuros arrived. He had, unsurprisingly, beaten everyone else back. Alea turned her face away and bit her lip; she still wasn't ready to deal with him. She'd never seen him that violent before, and she wasn't sure yet how to feel anything but fear in response. In order to postpone having to face him, she resorted to a familiar argument. Still without turning around, she tossed her cloak at him, she said in a dull voice, "You abandoned your clothes again, didn't you. I don't want to see you back here without them." She knew it was cruel, and she felt horrible about even hinting that she might drive him away, but she had too many things on her mind to be sensitive right now...

A bit later, Cilion came in. She did not bother to answer his question, since it was obvious that both horses were drinking from the trough. She did toss him a curry comb and said "Why don't you make yourself useful? You're a Frostfawn, right? Groom Firefly for me." Fortunately, the cot was much more relaxed now, so the presence of Cilion's pet did not cause another panic.
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Horse Play (closed)

Postby Blizzard on January 18th, 2012, 12:58 pm

Blizzard tiredly walked back through the Ice Gates with her clothes in her mouth. She slowly made her way down the cold streets. She watched as some people gave her mischevious and up to no good looks. She could've swore she heard a man yell out "Someone shoot it!" She looked at the man and growled but kept walking. If she wasn't so tired from shifting and her hunt she would've eaten the man, but once again the laws of Avanthal prevented her from doing anything about him.

She approached the stables and looked at Alea, Cillion, and Yuros. She paid close attention to Yuros making sure he didn't act up again for no reason. She collapsed on the stable's floor then groaned which sounded like a growl but more of a deeper longer moan. She put a paw over her eyes glad that she could speak to no one. She dropped her folded clothes out of her mouth and watched as the hit the floor beside her. She leaned against the stable's wall hoping no one would be rude to her, for she was too tired to put up with anything.
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Horse Play (closed)

Postby Banir Ironwood on January 18th, 2012, 7:21 pm

Banir was perplexed as Yuros seemed to show some type of concern for him. The nudge almost startled him considering no animal, Kelvic or otherwise, had done so to him. Standing there in the company of Zygaud, his mind was a little perplexed as to why Yuros even cared about him. As Yuros left after Alea he felt he waved a silent good bye to him as well. A small feeling of embarrassment kept into his mind of understanding. Yuros could neither see him from his backside and he couldn't wave back. While he did this the Vanathan spoke, he wasn't paying attention as his thoughts drifted in his mind.

Noticing when the Vanathan went he watched him, he had never really listened to someone speaking Vani. Banir only understood common so his curiosity started to nag at him. This was soon forgotten though when he felt a cold breeze strike him. He gave a bit of a violent shiver as his rage filled eyes shut for a moment. The metal adorning his body shook on his winter clothing. His gruff voice let out several miserable groans while he clasped harder onto his sides.

Looking over at the Jamoura with almost jealous eyes. He seemed generally unaffected by the cold thanks to all the natural hair covering his body. Banir shook these thoughts out of his head as he pulled up his scarf and tried to squeeze himself farther into his already deep hood. Quickly he did up his winter coat doing his best to shut out the cold. His pain also flared with each blast of wind, he was having second thoughts about not seeing that healer.
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Horse Play (closed)

Postby Zygaud on January 18th, 2012, 10:57 pm

The towering ape-man lowered his head in a sign of mutual respect to the Kelvic stag. He was tired, his legs hurt. He no longer felt like following the activities of his new acquaintances. As everyone dispersed, so did Zygaud after a time. With a polite nod to Banir, he trudged back to his cabin.
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Horse Play (closed)

Postby Yuros on January 19th, 2012, 10:38 pm

Alea's words cracked like a whip through Yuros' mind, causing him to pause in his approach to the girl. Sniffing, the Kelvic could smell a mixture of fear and agitation, something that the stag could not explain. Shaking his head, he grunted a couple of times, a call almost, to the Huntress, but when she did not turn Yuros gave an inward sigh. Bowing his great head the Kelvic bent at the knees, giving Alea a gesture that very much resembled a blow, though in his animal form it was a bit more impressive. The great beast swept his head down, the crown of ivory just scraping the snow before Yuros leaned up once more. Turning to leave, Yuros cast one final glance to Alea, and then set off into the city.

As the chilled wind blew through his fur, Yuros wondered at the Huntress' words, Perhaps she is in season...? But with a shake of his head Yuros dismissed this as something only a creature of Tree and Grass experienced. Sniffing the air Yuros tried to locate his own scent, but it seemed he was too far away to smell, or the clothing had been buried in the snow.

As me moved throgh the banks of snow the Kelvic found his mind wandering more and more to the Huntress. It was strange, he felt, for her to dismiss him. Never before had she used such a tone, and... Blinking Yuros shook his head. A strange tightness had come to settle between his ribs, an ache of sorts that Yuros could not explain. Blowing out a stream of white Yuros went back to his search.

After some time the clothing was finally found, half burried in a new layer of snow, and with a flurry of lights the Kelvic returned to his human form. Shivering, Yuros was more than happy to don the leggings and boots once more, but with a scratch of his head Yuros realized that he had left his cloak back in teh Huntress' din. Rolling his shoulders the Kelvic looked up at the sky, I have grown... different that how I was... Mother, is this how it is supposed to be?
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Horse Play (closed)

Postby Cilion on January 20th, 2012, 7:10 am

Cil nods to Alea, "Yeah, i'll groom her.." He fishes around in his pack, feeding the horse a bit of a carrot, then going to get soething to clean the hooves with, he checks the hooves individually, cleaning them out so the poor beast doesn't get frozen feet, or break a leg walking unevenly. Then becomes to brush the mane, and then rest of it's body, murmuringly soothingly in Vani the whole time. When he's done he feeds the horse the rest of the carrot, pops so,me jerky into his own mouth, and leads the horse to Alea. His eyes, a soft purple. "Here, which area is his..?"

When he sees Blizzard he nods to her. "Once the horse is put away properly, i'm going home, care to come..?" he raises a inquiring brow, munching away on his deer jerky. He leans down, petting Sen, who was waiting in some hay, and packing up, getting ready to leave. He leads the horse to the proper area, giving the horse another carrot, then closing the wooden gate.

"If you're coming, i'm going, like now..So let's go, or see you later." He nods to Alea, "Good luck with the horses, and have a nice night." He sets off, yawning.
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Horse Play (closed)

Postby Blizzard on January 20th, 2012, 10:09 pm

(don't mean to break order but I think I needed to go)

Blizzard lifted her leopard head and nodded politely at Cliion and looked at Sen with wondering eyes. She slowly stood up and grabbed her clothes with her mouth then followed Cillion's steps. She'd love a nice warm place to sleep tonight. She cautiusly looked at Sen making sure not to provoke him, for she didn't mean any harm whatsoever, plus she was too tired to fight off anything. Even a rabbit.
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