So I went to the Multicultural Festival across the river in my mom's town. Not a really big event but I took some pics just cuz.

A plant at the Bonsai Club stand.

Another Bonsai!

A marionette stall.

Native American stall, windchimes, jewelry and dreamcatchers.

A fun event for kids!

It's a gold rush!

Some hand made dresses at the... Israeli Stall I think?

Moar dreamcatchers!


A picture drawn by a middle schooler titled "Dragonball me"

If you look really close, and are nerd enough, you'll understand the title.

Chinese food stall. Lo mein was awful, shrimp on a stick was tasty though.

Greek food stall. The Chicken Gyro was good, bloomin onion was okay, a little pricey though.

Philippine food Stall, I know the owner, his name is Daniel, and he's epic. He's also a competitive sword fighter.

Indian food stall, and some old guy with a colorful mohawk.

Kettle corn!

Half Naked Poodle!

People watching the reggae band.