Boïndil nodded at Marcus' statement. Having to get more metal was probably necessary for the hook that had to be attached to the axe itself, were her thoughts. So the isurian walked to the chest containing multiple blocks of metal which could still be molded into any desired shape. Once she returned, she placed that piece on the table close to the anvil and picked up the axehead again. It was the same boring process as shaping the blade of the axe again. But instead of creating a real edge, which would later be grinded so it could cut, the rim would get flattened to strengthen it. After all, this weapon was ordered by someone who would later use it. The hammer striking the metal at a regular pace was something that could soothe Boïndil completely. There was nothing that could calm her more then this. Too bad for her was that the axehead shaped much easier now. Because Marcus was giving her the points where she needed to hit, the weaponsmith was easily doing it at the speed when she was crafting a sword. After she had finished the form of the axehead, the isurian woman lay the hot axehead down on the anvil as she asked for confirmation: "This is correct right? So now I have to start on the hook for it?" |