The Snow Leopard Kelvic
Born On The 2nd Of Fall, 509
3 Years Of Age
Born On The 2nd Of Fall, 509
3 Years Of Age
- Common Language: Fluent
- Vani Language: Basic
Current Conditions
Bloodlust Time Frames: Blizzard is currently in Avanthal. The city suppresses the bloodlust and once she steps foot out it is there once more and the 35 days a season begins again. However, as of Fall 65th, 512AV Blizzard can now control these due to her bond.Physical Appearance
Blizzard is about 6'5" feet long from her nose to the tip of her tail and stands around 4' from the ground to her square shoulders.This frame allows her to navigate and live in harsh cold temperatures and steep rocky environments. Her stout build and powerful legs allow her to jump at measures of 40 feet and to obtain a running speed of 50 miles per hour. In this form, she has a very lean and agile maneuverability, as well as a lot of strength. Blizzard's snow leopard form is very durable and easy to take on whatever lies ahead. She has a snow white coat that possesses jet black rosettes that appear to have been painted upon her with grace and patient. Blizzard's eyes have no sclera, or on a small level, no white in them and are instead filled with a deep and light sky blue. Her tail is thick and bushy, which can be shrouded over her face to keep her nose and mouth warm.
In both forms, she retains those same icy sky blue eyes. That's not the only thing for she also carries elongated teeth that resemble those of her snow leopard form.
Blizzard has a 35 day stage each year where her bloodlust kicks in and takes over. After reading her past, you'll understand how this came about. In this time period, she is extremely on edge and is ready to rip somebody's head off just for the sight of blood. She is a killer during this time and slaughters animals just to see the familiar red blood spill as well as to taste the metallic liquid. Luckily, as of the 65th of Fall 512AV, Blizzard formed a bond to Savitaire and it broke the rule it had over her entire self. She can now suppress it to the point where she can get it under control. Needless to say, at times when it's rational she won't hold back.
When Blizzard was born, she was, like all Kelvics, born in human form. Her mother raised her to five months old, then abandoned her in the Northern Wastelands after teaching her how to hunt, but it all went uphill from there. She taught herself how to hunt better, how to carve, and she trusted her instincts on everything else. At a year old, she was taking down prey three times her size all the while adapting to the harsh environment. At that time, she grew a bloodlust and would often kill prey just for the hunt and pleasure. She had no regard for their lives and often times it grew out of control. Blizzard often felt it helped soothe the feeling of abandonment her mother had implanted in her heart.
After a season of long and harsh traveling, she found her way into Alvadas. She hoped to get in touch with her inner self in ways Avanthal wouldn't allow but it only ended in her finding her way back to her bloodlust. She tried to fight it but ended up winning one battle out of an entire war. This broke the bloodlust's seal and now every season for 35 days, like stated above, the bloodlust is her main drive. This has caused her to change immensely for her sake as well as others.
Seasonal Wardrobe

- Furred Cloak
- Furred Blouse
- Snow Leopard Pelt Shawl
- Wool Pants
- High Boots
- When in Avanthal, this clothing is always worn no matter what the season is.
1) Snow Leopard Fur Shawl
1) Set of Clothing
1) Furred Cloak
1) Furred Blouses
1) Wool Pants
1) High Boots
1) Backpack
1) Waterskin
1) Fine Dress (White)
1) Set of Toiletries
Skills & Abilities

Skills Simple

Gained: 6 Points
Total: 16 Points

Gained: 3
Total: 24

Gained: 3 Points
Total: 20 Points

Gained: 0
Total: 7 Points

Gained: 0
Total: 5 Points

Gained: 7 Points
Total: 7 Points
Gained: 4 Points
Total: 4 Points

Gained: 11 Points
Total: 11 Points

Gained: 1 Point
Total: 1 Point

Gained: 8 Points
Total: 8 Points

Gained: 2 Points
Total: 7 Points

Gained: 7 Points
Total: 7 Points

Gained: 1 Point
Total: 1 Point
Gained: 2 Points
Total: 2 Points
Skills Advanced
Skill | SP Points | Total | Gained |
Hunting | 10 | 16 Points | +2,+1,+3 |
Unarmed Combat | 21 | 23 Points | +2 |
Intimidation | 17 | 20 Points | +2, +1 |
Carving | 7 | 7 Points | |
Camouflage | 5 | 5 Points | |
Running | 0 | 7 Points | +3, +2,+2 |
Tracking | 0 | 4 Points | +1, +1, +2 |
Observation | 0 | 8 Points | +1, +2, +1, +1,+3 |
Riding | 0 | 1 Point | +1 |
Rhetoric | 0 | 8 Points | +2, +2,+2,+2 |
Interrogation | 0 | 7 Points | +1,+2,+1, +1,+2 |
Socializing | 0 | 7 Points | +3,+4 |
Leadership | 0 | 1 Point | +1 |
Detection | 0 | 2 | +2 |
Racial Ability
o Keen Senses
o Feline Tongue
o Faster Speed
o Night Vision
o Feline Tongue
o Faster Speed
o Night Vision

Training Lores
- How to make use of ice/snow in different situations
- How to rest faster
- Human Form: Not for Cold Weather
- Hillgoat for lunch
- Waiting for the best possible moment to attack
Social Lores
- Helping a friend in need
- Drunken men are retarded
- Arguing with those with blood on their hands
- Sharing Your Life History
- Shyam fluent in Navi
- Common isn't Shyam's first language
- A group of Kelvics
- Who has money?
- Going out with another Kelvic
- I'm Irritated!
- Such a Firecracker
[tab=Geography & Location Lores,#000000,white]
- The Withering Rose
- Love for the shifting city
- Leaving Alvadas
- The Wolf's Cave
- Red Mud: Danger
Medical Lores
- Working to cure Shyam
Work Lores
- Sledcat
Feline Lores
- Marking Your Territory
- Meeting Another Feline Kelvic
- The Zynx That Got Away