by Jaeden Kincade on March 19th, 2010, 10:15 pm
*taps the microphone, testing it out as he gives a couple of mc checks before adjusting the bow tie on his tux*
Ah, thank you, thank you. As I stand here before you, I come to the realization of three things.
1: I've loved Role Playing Games, and the fantasy that it brings out. From my days of playing table top games like Dungeons and Dragons twenty years ago as I played characters like a Fighter called Glorian "The Rabbit" who kept collecting so many swords that the GM eventually said I couldn't have anymore, to Peppy, the half elf thief who would have to search his bag of holding every week because he was an absent minded kleptomaniac. It's always been fun if something invokes the spark of imagination.
B: When searching for a game, I finally came across Mizahar, and spent the next few days pouring over the lore and the threads. Learning what I could. It was detailed, it was original, it was organized and not chaotic like so many others I had come across before it and best of all, it had a solid community of players who were friendly and helpful to those who stepped in through it's doors. I strongly suspected I would love diving into it all. As I played for the first couple of months, my suspicions were totally laid to rest and I came to the realization: I should totally pimp this to my old school RPers. So I did, and now four players later and possibly one or two more on the way, here we are. We joke, we laugh, we discuss and power post. At last, a chance for one of my characters to get his perv on again. I can honestly say that I have never written as much before coming here as I do now. So I'll be sending you a bill in case I get carpal tunnel syndrome.
7z: I'm not wearing any pants or underware right now, and the breeze is refreshing.
So, in closing I'd like to thank you all once again, post on, and there shall be a disco party in Jaeden's tent for celebration. I had a Voider set things up inside, so it's now very spacious, just don't be surprised if you step inside and it oddly resembles Myri's palace. Though, if you hear someone yelling angrily, don't look, just run.
*pins the shiny medal to the coat of his tux before making his way off stage giving people the show, even if unwanted*
"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."