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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Estrios on January 14th, 2012, 9:00 pm

Physical Information
Race: Human
Birthday: 485 AV, seventh day of Spring
Age: 20
Sex: Male

Physical Description
Estrios is very well built after many years of isolated survival, stands 6'1" and weighs about 227 lbs. He has somewhat long jet black hair, dark turquoise eyes, and slightly tanned skin. His face is more used to scowling than smiling. Although he is usually calm, an expert can tell that he is always ready for a battle, with one hand on his knife and his eyes constantly shifting towards the shadows.

Character Concept
First of all, Estrios is definitely not the most social person you could meet. He is usually very solitary, and has rarely ever been heard to talk about himself. He's very hard to make friends with, and you have a better chance of surviving a 50 foot fall than earning his trust. He has a natural dislike of Myrians, being picked on by them nearly every day, although he is otherwise very acceptant of other races, if not a bit curious on their strength. He can't stand laziness, and is always looking for something to do, unless he is unable to work from injuries. He is very aggressive when fighting, but he is otherwise usually calm, and has a somewhat good IQ, not just of the jungle. However, he has good common sense, and won't kill himself trying to beat a superior rival, unlike some of the proud warriors he is surrounded by every day.
Estrios does not worship anyone or anything, although he has an affinity for nature and primitive survival, only carrying what he needs. He likes all types of fighting, and finds lone survival fun. Estrios is also very sensitive about his father. He will rarely talk about him, and he won't hesitate to kill someone who insults his name.
Lastly, Estrios has a loose set of values, and although not enough to fill a book like some of Mizahar's best warriors, he never breaks any of them. This makes Estrios quite the trustworthy person, even if he might seem a bit secluded to be considered a trusted "friend" by anyone at first.

Character History
Estrios's great-grandfather had been a blacksmith in Zeltiva. He providing many weapons for the limited army that the city had, and many times created a variety of tools for the many ships that docked there. However, he was one day invited to work in Black Rock. Having always wanted to travel past his home region, he accepted the offer. However, after only a few months of work, he realized that he needed more money to support himself and his wife, so he joined a merchant caravan and went to Taloba.
There, he gained much more pay, and became a valued member of the society. He made his home there and made a somewhat friendly relationship with many of the Myrians living there. His family and descendants became welcome there, but he had to leave back to his home in order to take better care of his pregnant wife. Several years later, Estrios's father, his son, decided to use this opportunity.
His father didn't want Estrios to have to live his whole life counting money or writing messages, so he decided to make him the best warrior he can be, in order to come back as a Sylirian Knight when he was old enough to apply. His father decided to take Estrios to Taloba, the best "training grounds" in the world. However, during a pirate attack, Estrios's mother was murdered during the trip to Falyndar, and the two men had to survive on their own, in a small log cabin his father had built near the city.
His father had already become quiet and isolated soon after his wife died, and rarely talked for almost a whole season. However, he knew that if he didn't start training his son soon, he would be answering to a captain his whole life in the Sylirian Knights. The first thing Estrios learned was to listen more than he spoke, more so from his father's attitude than the actual lessons. He has kept that same ethic his whole life, and it has brought him much good. Although his father was strict and maybe a bit harsh, Estrios knew that he couldn't have a better teacher than him. He was also the only person Estrios trusted in his life.
Estrios had already become a hardened warrior in his teenage years from the vicious dangers that thrived in the jungle, and he had become an adept jungle survivor. He was also very smart, and been taught much about the jungle, and of other races and regions too. Survival, travel, and fighting was all Estrios knew his whole life, and so he slowly lost interest in the things that most people would kill to have. He didn't see the need of exotic foods, or an army of slaves, or even of fine clothes.
It was a swell life in Estrios's eyes, but then an incident happened that would change his life forever. One day, Estrios and his father encountered an unusually strong Dhani that was returning to it's home in Zinrah. Estrios was able to finish it off, but not before his father was killed in the battle.
Ever since that day, Estrios has been much more quiet and solitary than before, and has never stopped blaming himself for not being with his father. In his mind, if he could have killed the Dhani, why couldn't he have killed it sooner and protected his father? Even so, he had enough common sense in his mourning state to know that he wouldn't be able to live in the wilderness alone. And so, he packed what he could from his old home and moved into the city of Taloba, where he lives now.

Training & Skill Points
Skill Points
1/100 Hunting
1/100 Observation
2/100 Detection
2/100 Logic
6/100 Poison (+5 Starting Package)
5/100 Tracking (+5 Starting Package)
10/100 Stealth (+10 Starting Package)
15/100 Survival (+15 Starting Package)
16/100 Unarmed Combat (+15 Starting Package)
15/100 Knife (+15 Racial Bonus)
Lore of jungle fauna (Starting Package)
Lore of jungle flora (Starting Package)
Wounds inflicted by tiger claws
Retaining one's guard in the face of a stranger
Planning ahead
[Culture] The nature of the Dhani
Common Tongue-Basic
Snake Tongue-Poor

Knife made from a Ta'rukahl's talon (Father's-family heirloom)
Filled waterskin
Flint & steel
Lantern (With friend)
2 Torches
Lepeordbred horse-Dex (With friend)
Leather pants
Leather shirt
Leather hooded jacket
Leather belt with 5 small pouches
Set of Slender Chainmail Armor
1 week of food
2 doses of Bloodroot
Large tent(With friend)
Large tarp (With friend)
Bedroll (With friend)

10 gold bikkas
100 - Starting Package
10 - Sold Fishing Equipment
20 - Sold 100 ft. of Rope
120 - Slender Chainmail Armor
Last edited by Estrios on February 11th, 2012, 10:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"You won't last long if you can't fight"
Lone Survivor
Posts: 21
Words: 11019
Joined roleplay: January 14th, 2012, 7:50 am
Location: Kandukta Basin
Race: Human
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