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Postby Daske Baggywrinkle on January 16th, 2012, 9:38 pm

I AM Smiling, dammit!

Basic Information

  • Race: Svefra
  • Birthday & Age : Born 23 Spring 489 AV.
  • Gender: Male

Character Concept

  • Angry Man On the Run
  • Daske was born to Svefra slaves owned by a Drykas family. He escaped and made his way to Riverfall shortly after his mother died (his father having died some years earlier). He left a sister behind, two years younger than he. In Riverfall he purchased an old, poorly maintained boat with money he had stolen from his master. He learned some basic sailing skills and set out to find his place in the world.


  • Pavi: Fluent
  • Common: Basic
  • Fratava: Poor

Physical Description

  • Six feet tall, 220 pounds.
  • Straight dark hair, close cropped.
  • Intensely blue eyes.
  • Deeply tanned.
  • Jagged ugly red scar running from just above his left ear down to the left edge of his upper lip. Crooked nose with a slight rightward hook, as though he had been kicked in the face by a horse.
  • Lot's of other miscellaneous scars scattered over his body
  • Missing left little finger and ring finger.
  • Right handed.
  • Smokes a pipe. Likes to try new tobacco's.
  • Looks angry most of the time.
  • Definitely NOT happy-go-lucky.
  • Definitely NOT a handsome man, unless you are really into the rugged look.
  • He has a silver-colored locket hanging from his neck by a leather cord.
  • Has a bear-claw necklace around his neck.

Character Description

  • Conscious motivation: Maintaining his freedom & self-sufficiency. (“I am an island.”)
  • Unconscious motivation: Trying to find his way home, whatever that means. (“No man is an island.”)
  • Dour. Somber and tight-lipped. Rarely smiles or laughs. Takes everything very seriously.
  • Can be something of a curmudgeon.
  • Self-willed, fiercely independent.
  • Believes in looking out for number one (himself).
  • Fears becoming a slave again. Resists authority.
  • Likes being in complete control of his own destiny.
  • Is a lonely man, although he hasn't quite realized it yet.
  • Has a lot of emotional baggage, including some deep-seated anger that sometimes reveals itself unexpectedly.


Sailing 25 25 Novice
Weapon: Short Bow 10 SP 9 19 Novice
Medicine 10 SP 6 16 Novice
Fletching/Bowing 10 SP 3 13 Novice
Weapon: Long Sword 10 SP 1 11 Novice
Swimming 10 RB 1 11 Novice
Sewing 10 SP 10 Novice
Cooking 8 8 Novice
Wilderness Survival 6 6 Novice
Hunting 5 5 Novice
Observation 4 4 Novice
Weapon: Cutlass 4 4 Novice
Leadership 3 3 Novice
Rhetoric 3 3 Novice
Cartography 3 3 Novice
Body Building 2 2 Novice
Interrogation 2 2 Novice
Navigation (see) 2 2 Novice
Persuasion 2 2 Novice
Brawling 1 1 Novice
Food Preservation 1 1 Novice
Labor 1 1 Novice
Negotiation 2 2 Novice
Storytelling 1 1 Novice
Fishing 2 2 Novice


Alister Whitecrest: Personality, History, Magic
Alexis Whitewave [incomplete]
Alric Wilmot: History, Personality
Alvadas After The Storm
Lore of The Baggywrinkle Pod
Lore of Birds of Cyphrus
A Business Proposition
Lore of Casinor Upkeep
Lore of Cleaning a Kill
Cooking Soup
Lore of Field Dressing Ones Own Wound
Fighting Stances: First Guard, Second Guard, Third Guard
Lore of Hardening Arrowtips
Lore of Hunting Boar [incomplete]
Lore of Jumping Off a Ship
Lore of Layout of the Port of Syliras
Lore of Location: Gray Cove
Lore of Location: Prion's Dream
Lore of "Massage"
Lore of New Migratory Patterns of the Steelhead Trout
Pash'nar: Ethaefal
Lore of Rafting Two Ships Together
Lore of The Riana Red
Rum Run
Lore of Running Aground (literally, "Hitting Land")
Running From a Storm
Lore of Sable Baggywrinkle: Ethics, Personality, Religion
Lore of Sable's Tavan: Sibilance
Lore of Sailing Basics
Lore of Sailing in a Storm [incomplete]
Lore of Sailing Techniques/Tricks
Sailing With A Companion
Lore of Setting Sail on a Casinor
Sewing Up a Wound
Lore of Skinning a Dead Boar
Lore of Slavery
Lore of Stitching a Wound
Lore of Surviving a Pirate Attack
Lore of Syliras: City Geography
Unexpected Drinking Session
Visai Caverns
Visai Caverns: Sailing Into
Lore of Water, Shelter, Food: The Three Essentials of Survival
Lore of What a Kelvic Really Is
Lore of When to Trust Signs
Lore of Whittling a Bow out of Bamboo
Lore of Yukmen: Identification
Lore of Yukmen: Weaknesses
Last edited by Daske Baggywrinkle on August 10th, 2012, 2:18 pm, edited 39 times in total.
AKA Anselm
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Daske Baggywrinkle
I AM smiling, dammit!
Posts: 215
Words: 137247
Joined roleplay: January 16th, 2012, 8:58 pm
Race: Human, Svefra
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Postby Daske Baggywrinkle on February 4th, 2012, 8:09 pm

Daske's Possessions 

Clothing Several sets of underclothes, socks
3 pair cotton pants
2 pair wool pants
3 plain gray shirts
2 wool shirts
2 leather belts
4 bandanas
1 leather broad-brimmed hat
3 wool stocking caps
1 belt pouch
2 pair leather boots
2 heavy coats
Weapons Hunting Knife
Short bow and 40 arrows
Tools Hatchet
Woodsman's axe
Flint & steel
1 Whetstones
Sewing Kit
Fishing Kit
Kitchen 1 Eating knife
7 spoons
5 clay mugs
5 clay bowls
5 clay plates
2 clay jugs
1 clay pitcher
1 iron pot
1 iron skillet
Miscellaneous Waterskin
Sea Bag
Silver locket on rawhide twine
Tobacco Pipe
Bottle of ink
5 pieces of paper
5 sacks
2 buckets
1 tourniquet
Boat 28 foot Casinor
10 foot pole
1 Barrel
2 ten foot ladders
1 fifty-foot hemp rope
5 winter blankets
5 bed rolls
5 pints oil (for lamps and stove)
3 gallons paint
For Barter 5 Whetstones
4 Iron Skillets
Last edited by Daske Baggywrinkle on August 10th, 2012, 2:18 pm, edited 22 times in total.
AKA Anselm
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Daske Baggywrinkle
I AM smiling, dammit!
Posts: 215
Words: 137247
Joined roleplay: January 16th, 2012, 8:58 pm
Race: Human, Svefra
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Postby Daske Baggywrinkle on February 4th, 2012, 8:15 pm

Daske's Ledger 

Starting fund +100gm 100gm
07 Fall 511 Endrykas Stolen -16gm 4sm 83gm 6 sm
15 Fall 511 Riverfall Purchase -26gm 3sm 56gm 3sm
01 Winter 511 Alvadas Purchase -53gm 1sm 3 gm 2 sm
01 Spring 512 Winter Income +186gm 218gm 2sm
01 Spring 512 Winter Expenses -135gm 54gm 2sm
43 Spring 512 Syliras Purchase -5gm 49gm 2sm
01 Summer 512 Spring Expenses - 5gm 44gm 2sm
01 Summer 512 Alvadas Supplies for the Black Lady - 25 gm, 8 sm, 26 cm 18 gm, 4 sm, 74 cm
37 Summer 512 Syliras 135 square yards of canvas - 13 gm, 5 sm 4 gm, 9 sm, 74 cm
01 Summer 512 Syliras Payment for delivery +11 gm 15 gm, 9 sm, 74 cm
01 Fall 512 Summer Income +450gm 465gm, 9sm, 74cm
01 Fall 512 Summer Expenses -135gm 330gm, 9sm, 74cm
Last edited by Daske Baggywrinkle on September 2nd, 2012, 2:48 pm, edited 15 times in total.
AKA Anselm
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Daske Baggywrinkle
I AM smiling, dammit!
Posts: 215
Words: 137247
Joined roleplay: January 16th, 2012, 8:58 pm
Race: Human, Svefra
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Postby Daske Baggywrinkle on February 9th, 2012, 12:38 am

Daske's Thread List 

Year 511 A.V.

16 Riverfall [Flashback] Gates of Riverfall Completed
17 Riverfall [Flashback] Sailing Lessons, Part 1 (w/ Alexis Whitewave, Jargon Windcaller) Completed
18 Suvan Sea near Riverfall [Flashback] Sailing Lessons, Part 2 (w/ Alexis Whitewave) Completed
25 Near Vanti Islands [Flashback] Anchors and Arrows (Solo) Completed
01 Alvadas A New Sword and an Old Salt (Solo) Completed
02 Northern Suvan The Last Voyage of the Riana Red, Part 1 (Seasonal Wages w/Alric and Ciryn) Completed
21 Northern Suvan Spoken Through Silence (w/ Dahlia Tailrunner) Abandoned
33 Northern Suvan In the Snow (w/Sable Baggywrinkle) Completed
45-92 A Sloop Somewhere in the Suvan Sea Seaman (Seasonal Wages) Completed

Year 512 A.V.

01~05 Oyster Island Surviving On the Beach (w/Alister) Completed
15 Oyster Island Delicacies In progress
24-33 North Suvan Log of the Black Lady: 24-33 Spring 512 (solo) Completed
34 North Suvan Log of the Black Lady: 34 Spring 512 (solo) Completed
35-43 North Suvan Log of the Black Lady: 35-40 Spring 512 (solo)
41-43 North Suvan Log of the Black Lady: 41-43 Spring 512 (solo) Completed
43 Syliras The Cheetah and the Sailor (w/Urrezko) Completed
57 Caiyha's Fist Isle [Quest] Broken Sails In Progress
60-68 North Suvan In Transit: Caiyha's Fist Isle to Syliras w/Sable
70-79 North Suvan In Transit: Syliras to Black Beach Cavern w/Urrezko
79-81 North Suvan A Night At Black Beach Cavern (w/Urrezko) Abandoned
81-87 North Suvan In Transit: Black Beach Cavern to Alvadas
01 North Suvan Rum Run (w/Pash'nar, Gabrielle) Sailing+4 Negotiation+1 Cooking+2 Medicine+2 Leadership+3 Navigation (Sea)+2
10 North Suvan Cargo run from Syliras to Alvadas (w/Pash'nar, Gabrielle) Tentative
24 North Suvan Crossing the Angry Sea (Seven, Victor) In Progress
34 Syliras Arrive at Syliras Pending
37 North Suvan In Transit: Syliras to Anchorage Flotilla Off Page
43 North Suvan The Eagle and the Sailor (w/Lucy) In Progress
45 Anchorage Flotilla Skills and Skillets
50 Middle Suvan In Transit: Anchorage Flotilla to Riverfall Off Page
63 Middle Suvan The Otani and the Sailor (w/Umen'thia) In Progress
Last edited by Daske Baggywrinkle on August 10th, 2012, 2:23 pm, edited 58 times in total.
AKA Anselm
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Daske Baggywrinkle
I AM smiling, dammit!
Posts: 215
Words: 137247
Joined roleplay: January 16th, 2012, 8:58 pm
Race: Human, Svefra
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Postby Daske Baggywrinkle on February 26th, 2012, 9:24 pm

Daske's Sketch of the layout below deck of his Casinor The Black Lady 


A walk-through of the boat by the woman from whom Daske purchased it can be found here.

Picture of a boat similar to the Black Lady 
Except the Black Lady has a black hull with a red racing stripe

Last edited by Daske Baggywrinkle on June 14th, 2012, 2:57 am, edited 4 times in total.
AKA Anselm
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Daske Baggywrinkle
I AM smiling, dammit!
Posts: 215
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Joined roleplay: January 16th, 2012, 8:58 pm
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Postby Daske Baggywrinkle on March 1st, 2012, 3:07 pm

Daske's Goals for Summer 512 

  • Join the Baggywrinkle Pod
  • Begin building Baggywrinkle Landing
  • Learn how to cut and sew sails
  • Find a way to earn seasonal income
  • Sailing to 26 (+5)
  • Short bow to 26 (+7)
  • Cutlass to 15 (+11)
  • Medicine to 20 (+6)

  • Purchase something you don’t need. 4 extra iron skillets.
  • Barter with a Svefra.
  • Debate with a stranger.
  • Accidentally fall into the water.
  • Get attacked by a rabid sea animal.
  • Pray to Laviku.
  • Learn something new about another race. Met Pash'nar.
Last edited by Daske Baggywrinkle on July 15th, 2012, 1:27 am, edited 11 times in total.
AKA Anselm
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Daske Baggywrinkle
I AM smiling, dammit!
Posts: 215
Words: 137247
Joined roleplay: January 16th, 2012, 8:58 pm
Race: Human, Svefra
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Postby Daske Baggywrinkle on March 11th, 2012, 2:39 pm

Daske's Aquaintances 

Alexis Whitewave 17 Fall 511
18 Fall 511
Alister Whitecrest 01 Spring 512
Alric Wilmot 02 Winter 511
Ciryn 02 Winter 511
Dahlia Tailrunner 21 Winter 511
Gabrielle Seawind 01 Summer 512 Philippines, alias Cascade
Jargon Windcaller 17 Fall 511
Pash'nar 04 Summer 512 Virginia, alias Sojourn
Sable Baggywrinkle 33 Winter 511
AKA Anselm
User avatar
Daske Baggywrinkle
I AM smiling, dammit!
Posts: 215
Words: 137247
Joined roleplay: January 16th, 2012, 8:58 pm
Race: Human, Svefra
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