Winter 6, 511 AV Location: Unknown Aello sat on the cool, forest floor, in the lotus position. The previous day's frost melting beneath her warmth far more quickly than by the glimmering heat of the noon-time sun. The subtle caress of gold, which seemed to glide silently across her cheeks, causing the girl to smile weakly as she raised her right hand a little higher. Nestled into the gentle curve of her outstretched palm was a single, dark grey stone. Its edges far from smooth, and rather worn, from the many times it had been trampled, or perhaps brushed over by one's hand. It seemed to roll, and then come to a point, like a pyramid, or mountain with an over-sized base. The stone felt rather cold against Aello's skin. Rather rough, in comparison to the smooth nature of her pale flesh. As her fingers curled, shaping her hand into a crescent, Aello could not help but smile, as she slowly, closed her eyes, holding them shut lightly. As soon as they were shut, Aello took a deep breath in through the nose, and out through her mouth, before beginning her meditation. A meditation in which she imagined herself at the foot of a rocky mountain. Something similar to the Misty Peaks one found near Lhavit. She pictured the dark stone, following its length upwards with her eyes. Following the uneven terrain. The crags. The tufts of green as vegetation grew into the mountain's side. She imagined it winding upward, skyward, into a jagged, snowy peak. Into the clouds, which seemed to drip a silver mist. She imagined scaling the mountain, climbing to the top, standing on the tallest stone, and looking out at the world for a time. Enjoying a bird's eye view. Shimmering blue lakes and streams. The tops of trees, bushy green things, which appeared to be broccoli heads. Birds soaring over it all. Over her head, calling to each other, as the sun sprouted in the distance. As Aello pictured all of this, what it would be like to breath in cold, thin air again. Misty air. What it would be like to listen to the birds, and have the wind toss her hair wildly about, she continued to breath, in through the nose, and out through the mouth, over and over again. She imagined that the rock she held in her hand was her mountain. The very thing she had climbed to the top of, and now needed to descend. She imagined then, herself exuding her djed. The light purple mist, which would cover the stone as though it were a veil. Obscuring its view. Aello imagined the light purple mist trickling out of the center of her palm, winding around the lowest portion of the stone, until it curled around its edges. Hardening into a sort of sticky substance, or something akin to ice. She imagined it fanning out from the stone's underside, trickling upwards like a stream. In every direction, she imagined it climbing, much as she had scaled her meditative mountain. She imagined it moving, winding, higher and higher, until it reached the stone's peak, where it came to a rest for a time, before cascading back down the stone, like a waterfall. Circling the stone over and over again. Falling into the spaces which had been left uncovered before. Seeping into the dark flesh of the entity she wished to shield. Aello pictured herself covering the stone in its entirety with her lavender colored djed. She imagined it sticking, sinking into the stone's surface. She imagined it blocking out all light. The warm embrace of the sun. She imagined her shield keeping every golden ray from penetrating the grey bed. Imagined a shield far stronger than those she had conjured only a few days before. Finally, several chimes later, when Aello was as certain as she could ever be that she had covered the entirety of her stone with a shield, she slowly opened her eyes, and simply stared at it. She could see the stone shimmering, something it had not done before. She could sense that she had done her job, although, she had missed a portion of the stone. A winding river of dark grey. Sighing, Aello passed her left hand over the stone, several times over. Silently wishing the shield away, so she could start over, with a fresh canvas. |