24th Day of Spring, 510 AV Jaeden meandered through the city as he looked down at a piece of parchment that contained a small list of supplies he would need. A casual glance was given over to a poster that advertised an upcoming play and festival the city would be holding. A celebration meant lots of people, and that meant the need for a lot of food. Jaeden had to prepare himself if he wanted to gather enough to be worth selling to those who would be supplying said food to the masses when they began arriving for the festivities. He had already boughten many of the things he had needed, now he was just nitpicking over possible impulse buys he would make. "Shyke, where the hell am I now?" Jaeden muttered under his breath as he reached up idly, giving a slow rub to his head. He was still looking clean and feeling very refreshed after his visit to the bathhouse earlier that week. He was dressed in casual clothing today, a short sleeved open shirt, brown hemp pants and shin high brown leather boots. Only his sword rested at his hip, his other weapons and belongings left back at the room he was currently staying at for a short time. As he stood there, slowly rubbing his head, he soon felt the tickle of light feathers brushing across his nose and cheek. Looking to the source, he noticed a pair of elegantly dressed women passing him by, the one closest to him, holding a feathered fan in her hand. He recognized them from somehwere. "Oh yeah, the Bathhouse. They were just coming in as I was leaving," Jaeden thought to himself. The way they dressed and walk suggested noble, they way they leered at Jaeden's arms suggested slumming. Jaeden certainly wasn't insulted and a perverted smile sharpened the corners of his mouth as he slowly turned towards the direction they were walking. He was about to take his first step when a sudden rumbling in his stomach suggested a more imminent need at the moment as hunger pains began to make themselves known. He looked to the women in slight disappointment before his gaze shot to his stomach. "I hate you," he simply muttered before he turned back in the direction he had been moving and began making his way to a food stand he had spied in the distance. |