Winter 48th, 511 AV
It had been a relatively nice, the sky was dim with grey clouds but snow had yet to fall. There was no freezing wind to chill the bones so it was nice enough to sit on a bench without fear of sticking to it. The large man sat upon a similar bench dotting the city. Shrouded in a dirty green winter coat adorned with iron shoulder blades, armour along his right arm and a dangerous iron claw on his right hand. The metal clattered with each movement as he played with his hobby. In his left leather bound hand was a piece of wood that his clawed right cut away at. Doing so in a trance like state as he carefully cut away the bark.
The bench creaked under his weight as his hooded head and hidden scarfed face peered down at his hand. Numb to his surroundings as his thoughts where focused upon the image in his mind it. Slowly the cut wood had resembled a slight face, it wasn't bad for someone still learning the skill. Silently he sat there his rage filled eyes dulled into a softer red the outer rim of his eyes a soft grey. So intently focused he didn't notice a small figure looking at him.