Mod NoteSince the temple has no employees and no locked doors, I'll humbly request that Eris alter her post a bit to reflect that fact.
Glav indeed was a busy man, but the truth was he was busy doing the more mundane tasks of keeping the Temple of All Gods running in a day to day fashion. He was the sole employee, so he cleaned polished, washed, scrubbed, waxed and sanded quite happily throughout most of his days. And when he wasn't doing such things - he was speaking with people, offering his advice, and helping out in the community.
The Temple of All Gods had no sermons, no lectures, and no required attendance. Religion did not work in such ways. Instead, it provided a place for people to come and seek peace. It provided a shelter in the city watched over by perhaps one of the cities most powerful yet humble protectors. Glav was somewhere in his mid thirties - or so he appeared - and dressed in simple homespun that gave no indication of wealth or title.
The door the man showed them too had no locks and indeed was a set of double doors that opened to a sitting room off the main temple itself. The room was stone and dominated by a huge hearth that tended to be surrounded by enough wing-backed chairs to support the number of people needing to use it. The walls were draped with tapestries depicting numerous gods. They weren't all there, but then again the room wasn't all that big. Those represented, however, were not of one alignment or another. They seemed to be randomly displayed from the pantheon... and if one blinked the display itself too seemed to change.
Glav himself was on his hands and knees with a large ash bucket and a shovel cleaning out said hearth. Once the door opened though, he rose, brushed off his knees and smiled. "Why hello there." He said after a moment, then studied first Alistair and then Eris with a keen eye. He moved to join them across the room and then gestured back toward the fireplace. "I'm sorry there's no warm fire to greet you. I was busy cleaning the hearth. Would you both like some tea and a seat for a few minutes? Then we can talk if thats why you've come." He said thoughtfully.