Basic Information
Race: Kelvic/Tiger
Birthday & Age: 509 A.V. 2nd day of summer, age 3
Sex: Female
Fluent: Common
Physical Description
Sapphire is 6'1" and weighs one hundred and forty six pounds. Her eyes are a very very very deep blue, and stand out from her orange-ish hair. Her skin is a yellow-tan color.
Character Concept
Sapphire loves water, and is always going out for a swim human or not. She is very outgoing, and steals from others a lot. She is currently looking for a master, but is worried of who would be crazy enough to take in a tiger as a pet, or slave. She refuses to eat anything but meat, and would rather starve than eat any kind of vegetation. She is very strong, but sleeps a lot and is never around when she thinks your upset with her. If she is upset herself, she usually hides were she can hear running water. Because she doesn't have a house, Sapphire wanders outside of Sunberth at night to look for a good spot to sleep in.
Character History
Sapphire's mother died at birth, and her master died two years ago when Sapphire went mad after hearing him call her mother worthless. She attacked and mauled him. Her temper is always short, and she hates to see women discriminated.
Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
Stealth: 25 (starting package)
Swimming: 10 (starting package)
Unarmed: 18 (starting package)
Hunting: 11 (racial bonus)
Wilderness Survival: 2
Lore of endangered species (in Sunberth)
Lore of slaves v.s. masters
Lore of responding to a tiger's roar (Night Flight)
Equipment and Possessions
A plain shirt and long pants
A Set of Toiletries
Food for a week
Flint & Steel