Alric's eyes widened as the darkness around them seem to thicken, and the man lost his composure. Alric tried to force the man to feel calm, but it was useless. It took to much djed, and the man was completely beside himself. What had Alric gotten himself into? This was insane! Darkness soon became corporeal, and swallowed both himself and his patient. Yet, it seemed like some of what he said got through, or at least, something like that.
The man still shone, somewhat, giving off the only light Alric could see. In the distance crows cawed, undoubtedly waiting for their next meal of carrion. Alric shook his head, this was but a game! Alvadas was just playing a game! A rather terrifying one, granted. But in the end, it wouldn't really end with his life... would it?
"Why give up fear?”
Alric flinched, despite himself. He hadn't expected voices to appear. The voice did not seem to notice though, instead it went on, continuing it's point.
"when fear is so much fun to play with? People’s reactions are so real, and in the end its only natural. Fear is in all living things. It’s a driving force of survival. Abandoning me,” the voice continued as the shadows of things moved in closer and closer, "Will be akin to abandoning common sense. Fear drives us to survive. A world without fear is not a world at all. Even in Illusion fear is present.”
The voice echoed, as Alric's patient shivered and convulsed, repeating his phrase over and over. "They are coming"
Shadows moved and something brushed up against Alric's back, it felt hard, like a claw, and he could feel moist breath beating down upon his neck. Alric jumped and turned quickly, to see what he was sure was some large monstrous figure. But nothing was there, only the same inky darkness that was everywhere.
"Fear is natural, fear is everywhere. Everyone fears something… What do you fear, hypnotist? Lack of control?”
Alric's eyes widened, what was this creature? How did it know so much... No, no it was Alvadas. That was it! Alvadas would know these things. Alric had lived within it his whole life. Yet, yet Alric had never experienced any illusion like this before. This, was unique in it's...reality.
The creature laughed at Alric's silence as the mist swirled around and around them, growing faster forming the tunnel of a cyclone.
"Give into and accept fear along with your other emotions. Acceptance is the key to understanding as understanding is the key to mastering…”
Alric finally woke up. No, he didn't care what this was. Maybe it wasn't Alvadas, in fact, it probably wasn't. But that, that was not true. He knew it. He smiled then, as he realized that this creature was just messing with him. Acceptance was the key to understanding? Understanding was the key to Mastery? That was completely backwards! Mastery, was the key to understanding.
Alric straightened his back and began to speak to the cyclone, his patient temporarily forgotten.
"You enjoy talking, beast! But so do I, and I have quite a bit to say to you!"
Alric calmed himself, and took control of his fear, pushing it down, and out of the way.
"Fear may indeed be in all living things, but so is treachery, betrayal, and disloyalty. It is the duty of we greater creatures to overcome our base emotions. Fear is not a necessary tool, Fear is a parasite, feeding on doubts and inhibiting progress. What you speak of, creature, is caution and weariness. Fear, is what paralyzes a man on the field of battle, killing him as surely as the sword that cuts him down.
"Tell me creature, where is the usefulness of that? It is useful only to the attacker, to you, in this case. And even then we do not abandon it, we cannot. That is beyond our abilities as mortals. Instead we reign it in, control it, and become master over it. We are to be masters of our emotions, not the other way around.
"And perhaps I do fear a lack of control! But I must not let it get in the way. If I did, I would surely be cowering as I was. Instead I've taken my fear, and put it to the back of my mind. I must admit I am weary, but even so, remaining silent and still would have undoubtedly been worse."
Alric took another breath, steadying himself.
"And, as for your last statement, you betray your ignorance fully! No one should accept their weakness! They have to master it! Mastery is the key to understanding! Not the reverse! Acceptance is but a weak-willed man's way of giving up understanding, saying, 'it is' and going no further! But he who takes control of it learns its triggers, temper, and timeliness. And in the end, understands what provokes it."
Alric turned then to his patient, and with all his power increased the flow of Djed, he blasted the man with emotions of control and satisfaction. He coaxed the man's ego, trying to increase it. He rose his hand, using gestures to increase his ability. He repeated his own mantra against the man's.
"Mastery over fear"
He repeated the phrase over and over into the man's head, along with feelings of confidence. Alric bent to his knees. He had never pumped anyone as full of suggestions and emotions as this man, and yet it seemed to do nothing. Alric then doubled over and vomited.
He was beginning to overgive.
Alric cut his connections one by one, to save himself. But he continued to pump the beggar with his initial message every time he cut another connection. Eventually, however, as Alric began to spit up blood, he had to cut everything. He was exhausted, and felt like he had run for days without stopping. He laid down on his back, staring up at the cyclone.