Current Location: Sunberth Time: 45th Winter, 511 AV Thoughts: Someone clearly should rename this place Insanity or Insane Asylum, IA for short. To many nut jobs around. So I have left Alvadas behind me and I must say that the trip was ... interesting. However a part of me feels glad to have made it as this location is as far from my pod as I can get right now. I can't help but wonder will I always be running from them and what I faced inside that 'family' or will one day will they just accept that I am not someone that lives life like I'm on some consent ride of the pulp? I don't it but maybe I can look for a new 'family' though I doubt I can ever truly trust anyone around me. I mean I couldn't even trust my mother given how she always looked at me as if I reminded her of something she wished she could have either forgotten or wanted to live back in. Oh well maybe today will be a good day and I can find me a steady job around the nut farm that is known to Mizahra as Sunberth. |