Name: Demlin
Race: Human
Birthday : Spring 23 495 AV
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Physical Description: He is 5'10'' brown hair brown eyes. He is of a thick build, muscular but also not thin. His hair is down to about his shoulders and he has a rough facial hair.
Character Concept: He wants to fulfill his purpose as an upcoming knight of Syliras. He is a squire awaiting his promotion to knight within the years. Demlin has a lot of honor that he was taught throughout his training. He believes in keeping peace among people and that crime should be wiped from civilization.
Likes: Law, Civilization, Constant improvement.
Dislikes: Selfishness, Dishonesty, Murder.
Goals: To achieve the most he can as a knight.
Character History: Demlin is an orphan given to the Knights of Syliras to be raised in their ranks. Since he was old enough to work he began combat training and schooling in tactics and leadership.
Training + skills :
Leadership 16 (15 racial trait) (Novice)
Long sword 30 (25@sp) (Competent)
Unarmed combat 17 (15@sp)
Riding 13 (10@sp) (Novice)
Writing 1 (Novice)
Tactics 2 (Novice)
Persuasion 1 (Novice)
Rhetoric 1( Noivice)
Syliran Knights (SP)
Dealing with thugs (SP)
Longsword stances
Don’t Fix What Isn’t Broken
Keeping Straight
Equivalent Blows
Arm Lock
Assessing an Opponent
Shoulder Tackle
Languages: Fluent: common
Equipment and Possessions:
1 set of cloth clothing and leather boots.
1 set of toiletry.
1 weeks worth of food, eating knife
a backpack with flint and steel.
As a squire he is borrowing:
-Used longsword
-Old plate armor
Housing: Lives in the communal barracks
100 GM
Thread List
Flash backs
Demlin's walk Long sword-1 Leadership-1 Writing-1 Tactics-1
It is Not Mine Alone
Winter 511 A.V.
Day 14 A friendly fight Persuasion-1 Unarmed Combat-2 Tactics-1 Longsword-2 Rhetoric-1
Day 43 A ride of blades Riding-3 Longsword-2
Day 50 A wandering Chaktawe's Journey