Demlin needed to clear his mind, He had trained hard in the last few weeks consistantly pushing himself in his combat. He sparred for 3 hours a day, and then listened to lectures of the older knights who now served as teachers for the squires.
He now sat in his room, leaning on the desk next to his bed reading a book on stances for using a long sword. He had recently been scolded for not knowing his stances well enough, so before leaving the lecture room he had borrowed a book on sword fighting.
Demlin flipped through the pages, slowly so he could read the titles of sections until he stumbled upon sword fighting stances. He sighed, he did not enjoy to read, he preferred learning through experience but he knew he must have knowledge before he could attempt the task. The book mentions the basic stance for fighting with a long sword, they mentioned having a straight back and the sword as close to the middle of your opponent, both vertical and horizontal so you could counter any directional attack they chose. The hilt was to be perpendicular with your sword arms parallel leg.
Not having the patience to sit much longer he grabbed his sword, attempting to mimic the stance on the page, at first it was hard to balance the sword just right but he continued to practice getting into the stance until it was second nature. Deciding this was enough he sheathed his sword, and began packing the necessity's for a day's travel. He also packed the book.
Demlin had made his way to the north gates, when he arrived there were two guards leaning against the wall ready to ask him a question.
The one on the left, was a tall skinny fellow that made his chain mail look quite baggy. The man to his right on the other hand looked pretty scary, his armor looked as a layer of skin to his large arm muscles, and he carried a large bastard sword on his back.
“Hey there, leaving town sir?” The smaller guard asked, he was just checking to see if I wanted to leave or had a question for him
“Yes I am going to be taking a trip, I am in need of some fresh air and quiet to think.” Demlin responded, as he stood there he made a friendly gesture to the other guard as he waited for the gate to open.
The large gate slowly opened, the gate was a large door between the wall that surrounded the castle, which was made of a nice whitish stone that was very beautiful. He always wondered how men created great art such as that of the castle.
“Thank you men, have a nice day” Demlin said as he passed through the gates and followed the dirt road out into the wilderness seperating the city from his destination. Walking at a slow pace, there was no hurry since he was out to think about the past weeks. He decided to recap on some of the lessons he had taken from his officers recently.
Following the road, he did not really need to focus too much on where he was going as much as think, Demlin thought of his officers mentioning that leadership is an important aspect to being a knight of sylivas and to lead you need good sense yourself. They gave each of us in the class a situation, we were a knight leading a group of squires into the wilderness outlaying the farmlands to the south of the city. There was wheat being stolen from these places.