Ionu must have been very upset to make it so abnormally cold. Not that there was anything 'normal' about Alvadas, but you could at least count on it to have a mild winter. Today, apparently, this was not the case. She noticed Sasin proceed to pull his cloak tighter around himself, and Mneme did the same.
She felt odd, very odd. First off, someone was being friendly. She had felt compelled to tell him her real name, and that was odd in itself. For some reason, trusting him unnaturally as she did so now was a way for her to hold onto the little humanity she had left. But still, her real name. Tahne Broen. That name by its self seemed a bit off, out of place in a mix of two cultures that intertwined for e brief moment. A sudden longing for Ahnatep, its beauty that couldn't be replaced by the never-know-all streets of Alvadas.
Nyahnasasin. A Dhani name, as far as she could tell, which must mean his mother's name was Nyahna. Pretty? Maybe. It was confusing. He had two names as well. Sasin Arelen. That sounded just as awkward as her own name, Tahne Broen. Sasin Arelen. An unnatural mixture of sounds and words that twisted themselves through her mind, leaving the sickly feeling of nausea. Names couldn't do that, could they? But they did. Names have power, and by his remark that 'most people' knew him by Sasin Arelen, most people knew him as a human. That only left her to wonder how many people knew him as a Dhani. She didn't know either, not at first. It was only a wild guess of asking if he was human that brought him to tell her. She knew by her slight outer-awareness that Dhani were not usually accepted. For whatever reason, she couldn't tell. But then again, Mneme had grown up around them along with Eypharians all her life. He was most likely annoyed by the cold as she was, because she knew that they were both used to the dry, dusty heat of Eyktol.
Sasin had started speaking, whispering words in broken Arumenic just as she had. Except, without the broken Arumenic and replaced with the naturalness of speaking her native tongue.
"I don't know. Nothing really ever happens to me. The people I know just walk away when they see me, so I suppose they don't do this a lot." She wanted to scream out her past and history as she had done so many times before, but knowing someone would be able to understand even a part of it scared her. Trying her best to ignore whatever nuisance was sending his dog over to them, Mneme drew her cloak even tighter around her body. The cold air turned the bare parts of her legs, not covered by dress or boots, red.
Taking advantage of the pile of firewood that had appeared in the most opportune spot, she made her way over, picking up two logs. Turning around to make her way back, instead of normal cobbled road, it was thick fur that went up to her knees and was oddly warm, as if it were still attached to a living, breathing animal. Her house, Sasin, the little man, the dog, and the boy who's head shined rainbow-y were all still there, but the fur made walking back across the street inconvenient. While it was warm, it was hard to walk through. She almost wanted to lie down in the middle of the street and take a nap. Mneme decided against that, of course, because most likely when she woke up the road would be covered in venomous spiders crawling this way and that. She eventually made it to the other side of the street, where Sasin was still standing.
"Would you like to come inside? I have firewood," she lifted up the pieces slightly, as if he didn't already see them, "It will be a lot warmer than out here in the cold." She didn't give a friendly smile, not because she wasn't trying to be friendly, but because she wasn't used to it anymore. |