Winter 52nd, 511 AV
Men, women, and animals alike either moved aside or made way for the humongous, black beast that stumbled awkwardly through the city of snow. An expression of determination was spread along it’s features yet it was clear to the eye that this creature was weary beyond hope. The Jamoura took slow, steady paces forward. His front limbs were as thick as tree trunks, muscular and furred. Arms that could crush a man without so much as a squeeze yet now they seemed frail, barely able to carry the massive bulk of his abdomen. The Vantha’s watched him with curious eyes. The more courageous took a few steps closer but still well out of distance of those enormous black arms.
The Jamoura was on all fours, his determined stride now a desperate crawl. Great geysers of white smoke burst out from two large nostrils on it’s great big furry face. He was reaching his limit. His grand journey finally coming to an end. The hulking black creature stopped in his tracks, his head turning to face the city’s people that had formed a distant circle around him. With every last ounce of strength he had left in him the Jamoura let out a terrifying roar. First he felt his body go limp. Then his legs gave way. Then suddenly he was falling... The Jamoura’s body lay face first in the snow, his body like a great black rock in a sea of white.