The black giant falls... (Open)

The Jamoura finally reaches Avanthal after what seems like a lifetime and... collapses?

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

The black giant falls... (Open)

Postby Kroth on January 31st, 2012, 12:07 pm

Winter 52nd, 511 AV

Men, women, and animals alike either moved aside or made way for the humongous, black beast that stumbled awkwardly through the city of snow. An expression of determination was spread along it’s features yet it was clear to the eye that this creature was weary beyond hope. The Jamoura took slow, steady paces forward. His front limbs were as thick as tree trunks, muscular and furred. Arms that could crush a man without so much as a squeeze yet now they seemed frail, barely able to carry the massive bulk of his abdomen. The Vantha’s watched him with curious eyes. The more courageous took a few steps closer but still well out of distance of those enormous black arms.

The Jamoura was on all fours, his determined stride now a desperate crawl. Great geysers of white smoke burst out from two large nostrils on it’s great big furry face. He was reaching his limit. His grand journey finally coming to an end. The hulking black creature stopped in his tracks, his head turning to face the city’s people that had formed a distant circle around him. With every last ounce of strength he had left in him the Jamoura let out a terrifying roar. First he felt his body go limp. Then his legs gave way. Then suddenly he was falling... The Jamoura’s body lay face first in the snow, his body like a great black rock in a sea of white.
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The black giant falls... (Open)

Postby Minosayaa on February 1st, 2012, 3:17 am

Minosaaya had been romping through the snow barefoot, only to be distracted by large The Kelvic didn't know, but she kept watching only to see the furry man collaspe in the snow. No one moved, except Mino who didn't know any better. She ran up to the fallen thing. Mino was pretty sure whatever this was, was male. Never had Mino seen someone with Kelvic fur but walked like a man....

Mino sniffed at the strange being, he didn't smell human. More like a forest, but not one of pine trees. Mino pranced around the Jamoura, her curiousity growing by the moment. If she had a sled...maybe she could pull him... no he was too big... "Hey,hey,hey, are you ok Mr. furryman?" Mino asked poking him. She was begining to worry.... a lot.
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I wonder where you will take me.
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The black giant falls... (Open)

Postby Kroth on February 1st, 2012, 12:35 pm

Kroth dreamed. He dreamt of his life back in the spires, his mate closing him in a warm embrace. He dreamt of his childhood, thick forests to play in and all the ripe fruits ready to be eaten. People were speaking in the distance, he couldn’t understand them very well yet he knew they were talking about him. It was a strange language the shadows spoke. Like a song yet not quite a song either. He had heard it before, where had he heard it? The shadows came closer and closer until they were all around him. Kroth tried to roar but his mouth was sealed! He tried to stand but his arms had turned to flippers! The shadows approached, threatening to crush him. He saw that one of the shadows was the Jamoura that he had killed, the one that had ended his life. The shadows swirled and span until there was no light left, only darkness. Was he to die alone in the dark, was that his punishment? Again the voices came, what were they saying?

"Hey,hey,hey, are you ok Mr. furryman?"

Vani! He suddenly remembered, recognizing the musical tongue. The darkness faded and his vision slowly returned though he could only see white. “ W...water...” The Jamoura somehow managed to say in the small amount of Vani that he knew.
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The black giant falls... (Open)

Postby Minosayaa on February 2nd, 2012, 5:02 am

"Food and water?!" Mino was in a panic should she go kill a deer? That was food... but so was oatmeal and apples.. What did furrymen eat?!?!? He smelled of fruit?

Mino paused, she might get in trouble for this... She sprinted with all her might to the Red Diamond. When she arrived she begged the owner for some food, "The furryman needs food!! Fruit! Oatmeal! Cider! He went boom and fell down!" Tears were welling up in the Kelvic's pretty brown eyes. Mino may have been a little slow with things, but she never lied...ever. "Please...?" While Mino's recoumt of what happened was fairly..odd. She was given a bag of food and some warm cider, and she was off.

Mino darted left and right, her breathing was frantic. She couldn't see anything around her. She ran, which was something she was good at. THe food jostled as she ran nearing the downed furryman. "Mr. Furryman! I got some cider and oatmeal and some other food!" She sat down and began pulling out food and placing it in front of said furryman. "Here eat, I can't pull you to the tavern. So you need to walk, I-I-I can help you get there then!" Mino watched the furryman, "My name's Mino." She decided to add.
If there is rain tomorrow
I wonder where you will take me.
Surely if I'm with you
That alone will make me happy.


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The black giant falls... (Open)

Postby Kroth on February 5th, 2012, 1:28 pm

“Food and water!?” He heard someone reply to his desperate call. Kroth tried to push himself from the cold ground but his arms would not budge. He tried to roll on to his side but his body ached all over. He could hear the strange musical language on the tongues of the locals that surrounded him. They seemed afraid yet they did not approach. Kroth knew that if they were to group up and attack him out of fear then he would surely be defenseless in his current state. With one great heave of brute strength the Jamoura managed to roll himself over on to his back, his body crashing in to the snow with a loud crunch. At least he would be able to gaze up one last time at the morning sky before he...

"Mr. Furryman! I got some cider and oatmeal and some other food!"

The scent of food was strong in his nostrils. With a sudden burst of hidden instinctive power he managed to push himself up in to a squat and instantly grabbed the closest thing to him. First he drank the cider. The alcoholic beverage tasted odd on his tongue yet it mattered not, he drained it to the last drop. Next he dug in to the food, eating like some wild rabid thing, stopping not until he had finished every last crumb. Finally Kroth noticed the girl. He seemed to study her for a while before opening his mouth to speak. “You... you save me... I owe you life... thank you...” His voice was deep and husky, the Vani language odd on his Jamouran tongue. “Kroth...” The black furry man gave his name as she had given hers.

Weak as Kroth was he felt much better after the food and drink, well enough in fact to push himself back on all fours. He began to follow the human that seemingly went by the name Mino. She had mentioned something about a tavern, at that time the Vani word had sounded beautiful in his ears. Taverns meant more food, water and a place to stay and so he plodded silently beside the human that had saved his life.
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The black giant falls... (Open)

Postby Banir Ironwood on February 6th, 2012, 4:40 am

A large and brutish looking young man was secluded within the near celebratory atmosphere of The Red Diamond tavern. Still adorned in his hefty, dirty green winter coat. The armour that lightly clattered with his movements as he stirred within his seat. The top half of his face hidden by a hood while his lower was covered by a white scarf. Only his Vantha eyes looking down into a mug filled with a dark alcoholic liquid. The right hand that clasped the mug had a sharp, bladed claw upon it. With the iron glinting in the light of the tavern he glanced out a window. His eyes where a raging deep ruby red, glinting along the sides where a lighter grass green. Though rage didn't grip his mind he felt it at the back of his mind. Barely held by his more calming thoughts.

His body was tall like a Vantha's but his build was far too large and it was easy to tell, even when sitting. Shoulders where too wide and his arms where much thicker. Banir looked more like a thug than anything, causing more of the kinder folk to keep distance. Though his appearance did him little justice. The kind soul that dwelt within the hulking figure found himself sitting alone in the bar. Though to him it was not so bad, conversations where never a thing he had learned to enjoy.

But he took interest in the world around him once again, pried from his thoughts. Spotting an enormousness Jamoura with, what appeared to be just a small human. With a leap of his heart Banir's curiosity rose as he found himself intrigued. With a strong interest in the other races he was not born from he anticipated their possible arrival. Though this hope diminished within his chest as he realized he'd actually have to talk to them. Something which would be unlikely considering his exterior and gruff voice. With a sigh of faltered hope he slunk back down into his chair. A quick glance to see if anyone was looking he pulled his scarf down, and drank a bit of ale.

Though his appearance kept people away from him, it provided a silver lining. No one paid attention to him, and he could drink without the embarrassment of showing his face. The white scarf rose over his mouth and nose. Watching curiously as he saw the work of Lhex unravel before him. Wondering, waiting, and secretly hoping to meet new people.

OOCHey guys, looked like a neat thread. Door was open so I thought I'd hop in. I hope you don't mind that I did ^^"
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The black giant falls... (Open)

Postby Minosayaa on February 6th, 2012, 9:31 pm

Entering the tavern, a place fequented by Mino who knew almost everyone there. She waved at the waiter who had given her the food, who only seemed to be staring at what Mino had call a 'furryman'. Noticing this Mino stated, "It's not nice to stare!!!" She waved an arm in the air, trying to enforce not to stare.

Mino grabbed Kroth's large arm, leading him over to the couches by the fire place. "Are you a Kelvic too, Kroth? But then how do you stand up like a man?" She had to ask, she wanted to know more about this foreign being. "You smell like fruit...and like a forest, but not of pine trees. Oh?! I forgot to thank the lady for the food!!" She bounded over to the woman, bowed and ran back over. "You should never forget to thank someone," She said to herself as she sat back down. She gave Kroth a happy smile.
If there is rain tomorrow
I wonder where you will take me.
Surely if I'm with you
That alone will make me happy.


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The black giant falls... (Open)

Postby Ablation on February 28th, 2014, 3:27 am


Mino :
    Observation +1
    Running +1

    Food -3sm
    Cider -2cm

Banir :
There are a couple issues with your CS, you need to identify which seasons you are deducting for your seasonal expense. Otherwise, it is difficult for me to see if it is up to date and correct. Please fix this to relieve your grade.


Please don't be afraid to PM me with any questions ^-^ and please don't forget to remove your grading request from the list to keep My office spick and span.
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