Dated Winter 511AV - Day 73, just past 18 bells (6:00PM)
::We go now?:: Meera interpreted her horse to say to her. Immediately on sight of her, his ears were perked high and he had whinnied. His hooves clopped against the soft dirt at the prospect. Darksand's natural luminescence seemed a bit brighter, illuminating his stall.
Meera sighed sorrowfully and pat his snout. Gently, she shook her head. Darksand's long face seemed longer and his inner glow dimmed. It wasn't dark out, the sun was still high but he was excited to see his Drykas, stabled as he was. The Strider knew how his rider loved to ride and she should be itching for a good run - yet, here she was, saying no. Meera had not neglected Darksand, she had fed him at the proper intervals and brushed his coarse hair.
"Something happened, Darksand. Not in rush to sail in any case. Can't ride much on a ship. But, at least I've cleaned."
She had bathed and taken out her braids. She had spent a long time washing the dirt and grim off her body, taking special care to rid herself of the sweat and oil. As long as her body had taken, her hair had taken twice as long at least to wash and rinse. Her hair was so long and dirty she had to rinse the bathwater to finish her washing and even then the water had easily filled with grimy suds that gave a plume of ashy green into the air with every popped bubble of soap. Her hair was a series of close braids, one on the top of her head, and two on each side, all joining into one central pleat. It was their custom to wear intricate knot work of braids, but Meera never had the patience for anything more fancy than her current style. Frequently it was a simple pleat from her forehead, with her long tail wrapped around itself into an actual knot at the base of her skull. No matter her lack of windmark, Meera was an Ankal's daughter and her station deemed a fancy style. However, she was not raised an Ankal's daughter and her hair would reflect her upbringing. It was any wonder that she was allowed braids at all.
One thing was new to her hair - a small ornament. Usually decorated in coloured ribbons, she had left them in her pack and bought herself a small bell to affix to the center of her
"This place has a charm, Darksand," She gave a soft smile as her eyes dared to find the dark spots against the cream.
"I am certain it holds sentiment to you, considering Sunstar and her rider. You really liked Sunstar, didn't you, my love?" Sunstar had been Patros' mare, a fierce thing that loved to push Patros' prompts for speed. She lacked the endurance Darksand had. Sunstar had piss in her veins, where Darksand had the fire in his belly. Darksand always did like her, Meera reflected with a smile.
Meera did not confess to her own reasons for staying nor deny Darksand and his, but instead left it unspoken and unfelt in words by kissing his bridge.
She jingled as she walked out of the stable and into the tavern, where she had first met Aren and had hopes to see him again. She hadn't seen him since the giant's step and the man's interruptions had halted their training, or conversation, or whatever people would label it, as Meera had no clue.
A knot formed in her stomach as she entered the crowded tavern, anxiety building up to solidify as a boulder in her gut. She came to rest in a hard wooden chair at a small table much like the one she had joined Aren at two nights prior and kicked a foot up on the neighbouring chair. Idly she picked a burr off her cotton breeches, brushed dried mud off her high calf leather boots or generally tidied up her appearance. Her skin freshly washed gave a sort of glow of warmth with creamy pink colouring her cheeks and what could be seen of her chest through albeit new, but loosely tied up chemise.
The Akalak Aren had spoken too days ago had asked for her order in a friendly manner and Meera gave the normal gruff, non-committal sound that usually sparked more questions than answered.
Did she want food? Meera shrugged. Was she thirsty? After a thought, Meera gave a nod.
Moments later, a mug of ale landed in front of her face. Staring slightly confused at the frothy head on the mug, she brought her foot down to the floor and leaned to the side to fish out her coin purse. The copper mizas were given away and she was left alone with her purchase: her first mug of ale. As though her body knew the power the ale would have instinctively, the knot in her stomach began to loosen as she reached for the handle.