Time stamp: Day 50, 512 AV in season of winter. 12:45pm Riding down the North Kabrin road on her satllion companion. Each gallope Airk did made a swiftly, sweet noise. The crisp winter air filled the young Chaktawe's lungs. Though, as tired as this petite girl was, she was just as ready to experiance a new place. As soon as she was deep in thought, she awed at the huge domain a little further down the road. She could hear people buzzing around. Sort of like bee's working hard in their beehives. he chuckled at this annalogy. Quickly approching the front gates of Syliras, she stabbled her steer, and walked up to the castle. Saadet smiled with much glee; Nodding politely to the knights, she entered the great city with a small "Hello, good sirs.." Seeing an array of people, all of different races, co-existing with each other. It truly was a beautiful scene. Humming a small tune, carrying all of her goods on her back, this was the first itme she had been here. She didn't know anyone. She was in need of work, and a place to rent. She came to the conclustion that, all can be settled with time. She'll just camp outside the gates until she had the wages to rent a nice little room. Walking around, gazing at all there was to see; Saadet had gotten too excited, and got light headed. Sitting down on a near bentch, watching everyone walk here, and there. Saadet rested her head in the palm of her hands, and proped her elbows on her knees. "..I don't even know where to start.." she spoke to herself. Getting tired of all the luggage she was burdened to carry around, she set everything on the ground next to her. Then, assumed the hunched over, face in palms position again. Contimplating on what to do next. |