Winter, Day 55, AV 511
Another blustery day in the port city, cold winds whipping through the streets and making everyone but the most foolhardy and tough pull their cloaks and coats about themselves. Elem surely had his own cloak pulled up, having left his cottage to rotate window plants. With his sleeping and eating in the dormitories, he had made his cottage fully available to his winter garden, rotating the plants throughout the day to ensure each got its daily amount of sun. Now he found himself walking toward the Infirmary, in hopes of getting a job there.
Mizas were the primary motivator at the time, since his purchases had nearly sapped him. The food at the dormitories made his life much easier, though he felt he could use more money, as most probably did. Only slightly less equal in its importance was the hands on training he would receive for his chosen profession. He had even heard that two years of study in the Infirmary could have him on as staff. It didn't sound so far away.
Shaking off the cold as he entered, he could see a few patients in beds, only one person milling about and overlooking their conditions. Her age and appearance told Elem that it was most likely Mistress Claira, the head of the Infirmary and overseer to all who sought to learn Medicine at the University. Elem approached her, rubbing his hands together behind his back so they wouldn't be completely frozen and unfriendly. "Mistress Claira? I am Elem Bree, a student of the medicinal and herbal arts. I was wondering if I could have a word with you."
The old lady approached him, her own hand extended until the two had disposed of the niceties. " A pleasure, Elem. I did see your name on the Registrar's lists for Winter. I hope you'll be sticking to your studies. Too many find the temptation of Rak'keli and Her divine healing too much to ignore and quit their studies to follow Her. No disrespect, mind you, but I think it is a really chicken way to go." Elem couldn't help but grin. " I have heard of her wonders, surely. But I want to practice medicine and herbalism, not pray to a Goddess." Mistress Claira only nodded.
"Well, Mister Bree, what skills do you bring to my Infirmary?" Elem had known this question would come up, though his butterflies made it nearly impossible to try to guess ahead of time what to say. He noticed that he was being interviewed right there on the spot. His mind was getting fuzzy, so he took a slight breath and closed his eyes, to make the speaking easier, you see. " I have a basic understanding of assisting procedures that I gleaned from books in the Library. I know how to wrap bandages, sterilize instruments, aid in hygiene, that sort of thing." It didn't sound very impressive. That, or Mistress Claira knew how to make a brilliant stone face.
"Splints? Tourniquets? Stitches?", the healer asked. Elem opened his eyes, seeing her own kind but firm eyes looking back at him. "Yes, yes and no. I have read about stitches but have never had the opportunity to do one myself." His superior looked him over and then beckoned him with a single finger. "Come with me, Bree."