Seto listened intently to the girl's story whilst balancing casually on one leg. She seemed a determined individual; something that the madman admired in those around him. He had met many likeminded people similar to herself, all who succeeded. He had no doubt that she would too.
"Quite the determined lassy you are, eh, little lady? I'm sure you will extrude supremely amongst your peers if you carry on the way you are! I can see ye excelling easily and in no time!" He chuckled to himself and performed a little dance across the street, and then back to her again.
"All ye need to do is just chip away at a few jobs to get the coin for a ship... and people will then come to you! No more of this 'nobody wants to accept a woman' business. Codswallop! You remain true, little lady!" His face stretched out into a humongous, wide smile.
((OOC: Sorry it's so latecoming!))