Basic Information
Birthday & Age : 25 / Summer 486 AV
Language 1: Nari
Language 2: Common
Language 3: Vani
Physical Description
A flash of red. It's Apola. She has pale green eyes and bright red hair. She's 5' 4" and has a weight of 128 pounds. Her hair? she just wears it down. It's about shoulder length, maybe a little longer. She has a bite mark on her arm from when a wolf bit her. She has a slim build, probably from just eating what she can, where she can.
Character Concept
Yep thats Apola alright. Hard core to the bone. Her heart is as fiery as her red hair. She earns a living by hunting with her bow and sells the meat to different villages.She has no love in her life and doesn't give what anyone thinks about her. She will fight to the death. Her only love is her horse Traviesa. The horse may be troublesome but Apola knows the horse loves her as well. She is kind enough to those who are kind to her, but if you say anything bad about her, watch out, you might just end up with a broken jaw. Little woman packs a big punch.
Character History
Wait, if she's an Inarta, Why is she here and not on her mountain? She doesn't like to talk about it, but she ran away from home after her mother died of in a miscarriage and her stepfather took his anger out on Apola and beat her. She learned how to hunt from her real father and they took many trips into the Wildlands to hunt before he died in a blizzard. She ran away at the young age 15. When her mother was alive, the humans from Zeltiva traded for her glass work. They took a liking to the young Apola because of her stubbornness and became like the fathers she lost. They taught her about the plants and they were the only ones that cared when she ran away. She ran away in the middle of the night and no one helped her. She had told the guards that she was going to collect fungi from a field that was a few hours away. When they relized she didn't come back the guards told the stepfather and he had ordered them not to look for her. She used the knowledge of plants and hunting to survive and make a living. She is wondering the Wildlands far, far away from the moutain. She ran away because the step father hurt her with everything he could find after her mother's death, including her mother's glasswork. Apola was able to save her mother's first glass mug. She uses that and will only ever use the glass.She is wandering the Wildlands looking for someone to confide in and to talk to.
Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
Wilderness survial (20 pts.)
Hunting (10 pts.)
Long bow (15 pts.)
Bowing and fletching (5 pts.)
Fishing (5 pts.)
Riding(5 pts.)
Equipment and Possessions
1 Set of Clothing (dark black cloak, brown trousers, white tunic, old worn hunting boats)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
Glass mug made by her mother
1 large tent (4 person), large tarp, 100 ft of rope, flint & steel, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle & hooks, a riding horse, a full set of tack, and a large set of saddlebags.
Horse: Gildling
Knowledge of Edible Plants in the Wildness around Wind Reach
Finding Reliable Water Sources
Money added or subtracted and how | Total |
100 pinions | 100 |
-75 for Long Bow | 25 |
+90 for sale of deer | 115 |
-45 for living expenses | 70 |