Season of Winter, Day 40, 511AV Hitching her sack onto her shoulder Ndale moved away from her cottage and away from the city, she had attempted to practice in her cottage but…well, it would be interesting explain to whoever lived in the cottage beside hers why their window was broken. But that was not her main concern now. No, another small though had invaded her head, humans while different were strangely similar to the animals they prided themselves as ‘better than’, especially the ones in Zeltiva. So full of themselves and yet…so intriguing. It was through them she had caught wind of tournament, a battle of wills and skills of all mannerism, so long as you could fight, you could enter. She wondered at going but a chance to immerse herself fully another of their strange habits could not be missed, did humans enjoy cruelty so much? Or were they simply sadistic by nature? Or were they akin to the animals, a show of dominance, of pride, of skill and stature much like the Zeltivians prided themselves on their knowledge? So many questions and no answers. Such fun! But to be able to answer said questions she would need to be able to enter the tournament. And that required practice. The only weapon she was familiar with or had any knowledge of was her Meteor Hammer but she could not even get the proper momentum going. She wondered if switching to a sword might be better but could not bring herself to. Shaking off her thoughts she reached an area not far from her cottage but far enough away from everywhere else that it would be easy to practice, no people, sparse trees a ways away. It was perfect. She dropped her sack to the floor and dug out the weapon, making sure she packed water and some food, she would not feel like hunting after this, of that she had no doubt. The weapon itself was nothing huge, a long thick rope with a small steel ball at the end. Harmless really. But she had seen it’s versatile nature, so carefully hidden and fallen in love with the weapon. Though she could not wield it to save her life. Straightening out she stepped more towards the ‘center’ of her practice space and began to wrap the excess cord around her arm, she had brushed up on her reading of the weapon to remember the most basic of things. First she must tie a portion to one end of her wrist, wrapping it carefully an leaving enough extra for her to hold in her hand comfortably and enough for her to swing. Considering the rope itself 5 meters long it was a bit of problem at first, everything time she got it around her wrist it was too loose, slipping and jerking when she tried to lift the weighted side with her other hand. The coils looping heavily around her wrist and even falling past her hand at times. It was too much and simply too big of a rope for her. Frowning she glared at the rope before walking over to her pack, digging through it she spotted her eating knife and stomped back towards the weapon, picking it up she carefully tugged off what she assumed was too much excess and began to cut. It was slow work, her knife not being the sharpest but she managed to get it, after many chimes of sawing and howling in frustration. The new rope measured around two and half meters this time and was significantly easier to hold, she did not even have to wrap it around her wrist, instead going for the more relaxed style of holding the extra in your hand in loose coil. It was also a style hard to work with because it depended entirely upon the grip of the hand holding the excess. One slip or too heavy of a ball on the end and the rope would go flying away from you and you would be left weaponless. Feeling a bit more at ease with herself thanks to the grip she tightened her right hand on the extra rope coil, her left hand allowing to enough excess between her two hands and so that it could properly touch the floor. Now, if she recalled what she read correctly and those distant lessons on Mura her first step was to control the momentum, easier down with a double-sided meteor but not impossible, her right arm would act as the anchor and lengthener. It’s all in the wrist. The words came unbidden, a memory she could only foggily recall but the words were as fresh as the phantom pain the bloomed in her forehead. Her first lesson had been a failure, an painful albeit amusing failure, this time she would be better. Sort of. But it was enough time for thought! Time to put the words of the text to use. Taking the snippet of the words memories she slowly began to rotate her wrist, swinging the ball in a slow and wobbly circle, flinching each time it bumped the ground, she had too much slack. But the process was about trial and error. Looping more in her right hand she once more began to rotate her left hand, watching in slight annoyance as the ball still brushed the ground and this time jerked her arm roughly as she spun to hard and wide. Gasping she released it completely from her left hand and swung her body in the direction it flew. Obviously she needed to hold a shorter amount of this was not going to work. Wrapping most in a loose circle she clutched in awkwardly and left the weight ball dangle from the ground a few feet. Comfortable yet uncomfortable and she could already feel the faint sting of rope burn from the moments before. Gritting her teeth she felt the mulish side of her become more prominent, she would get at least this part down or she would not leave this spot. Pasting a smile on she for the third time began her circle, being careful to keep it on the side of her body and not arch up over her head, control came from smaller circles, while distance came from larger ones swinging over the head or around the neck and feet. But she could keep her circle, as the momentum swung the ball at a slightly quicker pace it jerked the extra from her right hand and slammed into the ground, making a small dent in the dirt. She needed to focus! Closing her eyes briefly she ignored all thought and simply reformed her stance, feet set apart just enough for firm balance, excess rope head firmly in right hand and leading to the left where the ball once more dangled towards the ground. Again. She started slower this time and though the circle were awkward she was able to spilt her attention between making sure her grip was firm and that the circle stayed moving without lengthening. She felt as if she was finally getting it and yet it was not meant to be for her circle was not tight enough and began to wrap around her left arm quickly, coiling up it like a snake. The small weighted ball slapping her bicep as if scolding her before falling off lazily. A strange anger bubbled up in her stomach, why was this so hard?! It had seemed simple in the book! Narrowing her eyes she glared at the weapon in her hands before taking stance once again. Carefully she tightened her right hand, reflexing it slightly before beginning her left wrist slow revolution, this time she focused on the weight of the ball, feeling how fast it needed to go without making her whole arm wobble in an effort to keep it straight, she could start out slow but not as slow as she had been previously doing. It worked! The heavy little ball continued turning, a steady but slow rotation…but now what was she to do with it? |