Leviathan Defense

Leviathan Defense is home to some of the most ruthless, merciless and most efficent mercenaries in the Cyphrus region. Well, at least it hopes to be. This business is devoted to the needs of the warrior class within Riverfall. One can stay here, train here, negotiate here, arm themselves here along with a number of other amenities. The stone building is outfitted with offices, kitchen, infirmary, armory full of weapons and armor , training room, common room, and even a fully equipped barracks. Leviathan Defense offers the full use of these facilities by the hour, by the day and then one can even buy themselves a full member-ship for a year.
This is not your regular combat club. It is owned by Raust Benjamin who came to the idea after meeting with several mercanaries who complained of a lack of a safe meeting spot, away from the public. He also knew that there was some parts of the population who did not want to use the public training rooms of the Akalak in Riverfall. Thus, he created Leviathan Defense. It is mercanarie's one-stop shop for all their needs. One can stay the night there, train, eat, get treated for injuries, rent out equipment, meet there with potential clients or with each other. All meetings are private and confidentiality is fully enforced within the walls of Leviathan. Day use means that you are spending the entire day there and that you are staying that night as well. By the bell means exactly what it says. A full membership means that one can fully use the facilities of LD whenever the mood strikes them. While within Leviathan, one can use the training room, infirmary, kitchen, office area and any of the facilities. It is truly made to suit the needs of combatants everywhere. Raust will also be hosting tournaments for the best of Riverfall's warriors to come out and try to prove who is the best. There is an entry fee, but the warrior who wins will win a substantial reward. Leviathan Defense is much like a gym with its memberships and facilities, yet those facilities are targeted towards those with a combative nature. It will also be a potential hot spot for those looking for able-bodied warriors to come and find themselves some warriors, so that adds to the potential benefits of joining Leviathan Defense or just using the facilities.
Goods and ServicesDay Use: 75gm
Bell Use: 5gm
Full Membership(good for one year): 400gm
Equipement Rental: Weapons (5gm per day, 30gm if lost), Armor (15gm per day, 75gm if lost)
Tournament Entry: Tournaments will be hosted by LD periodically. It costs 10gm to enter unless you are a full member. The reward depends on how many who enter.
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