WELCOME Mmm, spaghetti, first things first you should know I have a strange obsession with spaghetti and I have the attention span of a goldfish with amnesia. Great, onward ho! So first up the important...ish stuff~ Da Rules :
Warnings :
About Me: 1.) Age? 19, that last teen year before I can kiss all childish notions behind...yea right. 2.) Name? Call Ash, snookums~ 3.) Location? SoCal. I hate it and sometimes I hate living in America. I miss Canada dammit! And even if I was born here...it still sucks 4.) Nationality? American and some other mutt breed that comes with it ^-^ 5.) Sex? Female, unless I'm cross-dressing and I'm being totally serious here. I do. Sometimes. 6.) Job? In a library. Is it fun? No. Do I enjoy it? Some days. Do I hate my boss? Obviously. 7.) School? Is currently trying to kill me with loans. Advice? Don't ever go to the University of Phoenix if you can't stand blatantly stupid and ignorant people. Just don't. 8.) Likes? This list is significantly shorter than my dislikes to it is the only one that's going here.
So, I had been wanting a scrapbook but wasn't sure what to put in it and this is what I go. I'm not what will go it, who will pay attention to it or anything, it's just...there. Anyhow, on a random note, how de do and all that and a parting question for all to answer...or ignore~~ What is your most prized possession and why? Mine is a little pink pillow from my mother. I sleep with it and get cranky if I don't have it with me all teh time, much to my families annoyance |