1st of Winter, 511AV Nai'shee felt awkward for stepping on this new territory. She had no idea where was she heading to and every student she met trough corridors seemed creepy and dangerous to her, but none of these wasn't truth, probably. She asked around where could she find that professor Stonemiller, so somebody explained to her where's The East Wing and that she should just search around for a bit. Her problem was the fact she had no idea how would that professor Stonemiller look like when she see him. She just kept wandering trough corridors, hoping to recognize him. Quickly after she found group of professors, in fact, three of them. They seemed like professors, they weren't ordinary students anyway. They were wearing suit and they were a bit older then students she met around. She approached to them. "Excuse me, where can I find professor Stonemiller?", she asked without hesitation. "You found him, young lady", one of man's answered. He seemed pretty friendly, but he was confused about her appearance a bit. Yet, she haven't got anything else to wear but her sailor uniform and she didn't care. "Do you need something?", he asked, while others were nervously waiting to continue their conversation. "Yes. I was told to search for you for Flux classes. I would like to apply." She wasn't sure it was that easy, she hoped he won't make an appointment for her or something like that, now that she broke ice she should finish with this. "Flux, eh?", he asked with some interest. "You are lucky to find me now, I don't have other business. Would you excuse me?", he asked other to professors looking at them. At this point Nai'shee already forgot about those two. They just nodded, like it was something normal, so professor Stonemiller led her to one of classrooms. It was empty, more like gym, but there was a blackboard, normally. She spotted a notice on door. 'Practice'. It was probably main classroom for Flux classes. "I barely see so young Flux users", he said, he was really intrigued by that fact, but she noticed he was a bit skeptic as well. "Are you skilled?" The question was completely direct and it didn't leave place for lies, her first instinct. However, she was aware she won't do anything by lying this time, it was just a habit she had when giving such a informations. Impress person or hide skills, that was the rule of the world out of this school. Honesty was left for friends, if you weren't arrogant or stupid. "I am pretty skilled. I can control ways Djed goes trough my body and I don't overdo it as often as beginners, I'm aware of my limits. Yet, sometimes I can't control my speed and I need to try harder to move it around the body quickly, so I usually use it for one thing at time.", she replied, counting facts she mentioned on her fingers. After she replied her eyes concentrated on him again and she saw him nodding. "If that's true you can start with your classes immediately. As I mentioned, I don't have any classes right now, so you can have one private class now. Have you paid for it?", his voice was still friendly, but still, he spoke officially, so she was sure he was just a nice person. Yes, I paid, her angry mind said sarcastically. She still thought 20 Mizas per lesson were too much. She will probably earn enough to cover it, but yet she hated spending money. She imitated his friendly tone wile replying, reminding herself it wasn't his fault. "Yes, I did." "Great, so, we can begin! I'm professor Stonemiller, I will, obviously, teach you Flux. What's your name?" "It's Nai'shee", she replied, carelessly. "...professor." She was more or less used to address peoples properly, but she was still a street girl, barely caring about her manners. "Well, nice to meet you Nai'shee. I usually like to begin my classes with theoretical, because I want to be sure you know all the terminology and laws before we start practice.", she nodded with approval, it won't be boring because she had many holes in her theory. "So, now, instead of Flux, I will begin with explaining Djed to you. You probably already know this, but Djed is energy we absorb from things we eat. Djed is the main component of every magic. There are three important things to know about it: it can't be destroyed, you can only transform it, which is the main way of using magic...", while he spoke, he drew square on the blackboard and divided it in two triangles by line. "...like this." "Second thing is that your Djed, persons Djed, Djed of one intelligent being is much purer than other. For example, you can control your Djed to create magic, but this square", he said while knocking the blackboard, "has no ability to do such a thing." "Third important thing is that you can't reverse everything you do with Djed. You can't reverse time to get back the paper you burned or you can't heal your muscles after using Flux too much." She just listened carefully, wondering how come she haven't concluded all of this by herself. She was aware of it at some point, but she couldn't say she knew it. "About Flux itself, Flux is the form of personal magic. Personal magic is magic you use your own Djed for. It means it is at some point most dangerous magic for wizard. This especially stands for Flux. Flux is really easy to use, but hard to handle. You already know how to channel Djed trough your body, and you're aware of it's risks. Using Flux is so painful because you don't make your limits higher, you force your body to pass its' limits. However, chemical processes in your body can't follow speed and strength you use, so your body collapses. Also, it is highly recommended not to use this skill along with Morphing, because they're completely opposite skills and it can cause bad things. Now, would you mind showing me your usage of Flux? Don't do too much, just run to the other side of classroom fastest you can." His calm voice told her he held this speech for hundreds of times with other students, but he didn't seem bored, he was more enthusiastic to teach her more, to share his knowledge. She nodded her head again, concentrating Djed in her legs for a few moments. As soon she started to run she was already at the other side and she barely succeed to stop before hitting the wall. She actually touched it by her right hand to stop herself from hitting it, but she did it when she already slowed down, so it was safe. She could have broke hand of all the speed if she didn't. She looked at professor. "Pretty impressive for your age", he replied to her sight. "Yet, you still have much to learn. Your body isn't stable while running, because your hands can't keep up with legs. You need to practice using Flux at both in the same time. What should we try... Well, do have you ever stood at your hands? Great, then you need to jump using Flux and quickly transfer it to your hands so you can land at your hands. But I will be by your side to catch you it seems like you didn't do it fast enough. You have three chances, I don't want you to get hurt. After we finish, that's it for today." She prepared for challenge. She was half crouching, preparing to jump. She seemed like an acrobat to herself. She felt nervous, what if he doesn't catch her and she end up breaking her hands or head? However, she jumped few moments later, inhumanly high, high enough to turn upside-down in the air, so she could land as she was told to. But in next moment strong hands caught her and turned her to stand properly again. She realized she wasn't even close to her goal. She was so afraid she barely thought about moving Djed from her legs. Next two tries passed the same way, she wasn't fast enough in moving it and it barely reached her chest before she ended up in professors hands. She wanted to try few more times, but he warned her not to do it without him, so she gave up. "Goodbye, professor.", she said after he concluded class was over. "Thanks for your hard work." She exited the classroom alone, why he said he has to prepare something for later. As she walked trough corridors she noticed many happy peoples, students, studying for their dreams, just as she did. Education? Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all. |