Add to this list at your leisure.
Rule #1 - If you make a vampire we shall hunt you down and stab a wooden stake through your heart.
Rule #2 - If you make a werewolf we shall hunt you down and shoot you with a silver bullet.
Rule #3 - If you make your Kelvic with a tail and furry ears, we shall rip them out and pour salt in the wounds.
Rule #4 - Talk back to a mod and we shall slap you into next week.
Rule #5 - If you make up lore just for your character we shall rip you a new one.
Rule #6 - For Goodness sake READ THE WIK, including Lore and Rules.
Rule #7 - As far as you are concerned the founders are Gods.
Rule #8 - You must distribute and eat cookies regularly it is polite.
Rule #9 - Siiri is the Official Mizahar Troll and is the only one who is allowed to troll on Mizahar. If you troll, Siiri will hunt you down and rip out your brains and heart and eat both.
Rule #10 - Gossamer is the Blue Dragon. Beautiful, Majestic, Honorable, and Deadly when Angered.
Sincerely Yours,
P.S. This is just for players to vent about newbies. Make a new rule for everything that pisses you off and isn't already on the list. This was totally started by Levi and Me in chat.