As he listened it occurred to him that he had very little experience of shipping as a means of getting things around. He'd seen the sea, seen boats floating around on it, but never had he stepped foot on a boat, not even while it was moored. He sort of had the idea that boats just floated along without very much effort and that the most effort involved was simply to put things in and take them out when it reached the other end of the journey. On that basis supplying a city by sea had seemed easy.
He was starting to get an inkling that perhaps it wasn't quite that simple. His grasp on geography wasn't that strong but he did have an idea of where Sunberth was and it made him realise that actually it was quite a long way around by sea.
They had indeed arrived at the Inn and Hadrians words now recalled another memory, the warning against the beer, but he shrugged it off. How bad could it be?
"Well thank you for that and it looks a reasonable place, so you've certainly deserved the beer. Let me stable my horse and we can go in." He led the horse into the stable and tipped the stable boy to look after it and put his gear up into a room.
"Well then, let's go and try this kelp beer then."