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In this forum, all the character sheets are kept for player characters. Feel free to come on in, browse the forum, look at what sort of characters others have created, and then begin your very own!

Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Mywla on February 22nd, 2012, 9:24 pm

General Facts

Race: Kelvic (Artic Fox)
Birthday & Age: Summer 5, 510 AV (1 year old)
Sex: Female


Mywla's human form looks very young, a girl barely blossomed into a woman. Her pretty face is soft and fine, with clear, icy blue eyes and very pale skin. In contrast, her hair, which falls in curls onto her shoulders, is jet-black. Her expression is often awake and curious, but quickly shifts to shyness, or whatever other feeling the situation may provoke in her little heart. When she opens her mouth, a curious feature becomes apparent: her set of teeth resembles in some ways those of canines, with pronounced fangs and carnassials behind them.
As for the rest of her body, she is rather short with a height of 5', but not in the petite way. She is of stouter build, with slightly short legs and broad hips. While with 128lb, she is not overweight, her stomach is not entirely flat, and she isn't exactly muscular. Her breasts, on the other hand, are comparatively small.
When she is dressed, it is in a simple white shirt, held around her waist by a sash, and pants of linen, over which she wears a gray woollen jacket and hooded woollen cloak. Her cloak is held together by an oval bronze brooch that shows a snowflake. She also has a scarf around her neck, and boots on her feet.
As a fox, she is, including tail, about 28'' long, her shoulders standing about 12'' from the ground, and covered in a dense fur of complete white, looking very cute to most humanoid eyes.

Character Concept

Mywla is only just about to discover the world at large, find a place for herself in it, and experience her own maturity. There is as much she has still to learn about hunting lemmings as about dealing with humans and other folk (or, for that matter, making herself useful), and wilderness and city alike hold many secrets for her. On account of her foxy nature, she covets a warm den to cuddle into, and a friendly creature who cares for her.

She is very responsive to the way she is treated. While her default attitude towards others is friendly, but slightly shy, she quickly retreats when she is met with rejection, and she will be trusty if treated kindly. Being a small animal, it is rare that she reacts aggressively, but it could happen if she or someone dear to her is cornered.


Mywla is among the Kelvic born in Avanthal whose animal form is not a polar bear, but a different animal adjusted to such surroundings. Her parents lived with men of the Frostfawn hold. Not being a bear, and therefore not fit for fighting, she was not trained (like some of her siblings), and hasn't acquired all that many useful skills. She spent a lot of time living as an animal instead of in human form, which resulted in severely lacking table manners in particular. Being grown up now, and with her mother having a new litter to care for, Mywla has been sent away from the household of her origin, leaving behind all ties with it, so that she could establish a life of her own.

  • Linen Shirt (White)
  • Linen Pants (White)
  • Woollen Sash
  • Simple Undergarments
  • Woollen Jacket (Gray)
  • Woollen Hooded Cloak (Gray)
  • Simple Boots
  • Leather Gloves
  • Scarf (Gray)

Personal Possessions
  • Bronze Brooch with a snowflake motive (Heirloom)
  • Backpack
  • 1 Waterskin
  • Comb (Bone)
  • Brush (Bone)
  • Soap
  • Razor
  • Balanced Rations (1 Week's Worth)
  • 1 Eating Knife
  • Flint & Steel

Purchase Change Total
Starting Package +100g 100g
Cashing Housing +500g 600g
Jacket -1g 599g
Sash -1s 598g 9s
Scarf -1s 598g 8s
Gloves -5s 598g 3s


  • Wilderness Survival 25
  • Hunting 20 (10 Racial)
  • Tracking 10
  • Stealth 5

  • Vani - Fluent
  • Common - Conversational

  • Avanthal Geography


[*] Backpack
[*] 1 Waterskin
[*] Comb
Last edited by Mywla on February 26th, 2012, 2:55 pm, edited 27 times in total.
This color indicates speech in Vani.
This color indicates speech in Common.
Posts: 5
Words: 2077
Joined roleplay: February 22nd, 2012, 7:07 pm
Location: Avanthal
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet


Postby Ghost on February 23rd, 2012, 6:25 pm


Liaison Intervention

I’m Ghost, and I’m a Character Sheet Liaison. I’m here to help others with their Character Sheets and the Lore.

I’ve noticed that you have picked the skill „Wilderness Survival“. If you have that skill, you also need a corrospending lore, in other words a lore about a wilderness survival technique. So you need to replace one of your current lores.

By the way, your avatar is already in use. I've seen it on another PC not too long ago. It would be great if you could replace it.

Send me a PM when you have editted your Character Sheet, and I’ll remove this intervention. Have fun in Mizahar and don’t hesitate to PM me if anything is still unclear or you have questions.

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CS Liaison
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