Galidar's Weaving
Anyone having been to the Plaza of the Crimson Arm has purchased or at the very least browsed the offerings of Galidar the tailor. Located within the Plaza itself, Galidar operates a small trade booth specializing in clothing and clothing accessories. Galidar's skill is well known throughout the Plaza and his clothing is prized by many for its unique designs that incorporate a number of themes. Few other places offer the patterns and comfort of Galidars garments. His most popular items incorporating images and symbolism from the night sky; something the average citizen rarely catches a clear glimpse of.
Goods:Belt, Fine - 25 gm
Boots, High - 5 sm
Boots, Low - 3 sm
Breeches/Pants, Cotton - 1 sm
Breeches/Pants, Velvet - 4 gm
Breeches/Pants, Silk - 8 gm
Cape, Half - 1 gm
Cape, Full - 2 gm
Chemise, Silk - 6 gm
Cloak, Cotton - 3 sm
Vest, Brocade - 8 gm
Dress, Fine - 20 gm
Dress, Skirt - 20 gm
Gloves, Leather - 5 sm
Gloves, Silk - 15 gm
Sash, Cotton - 2 sm
Sash, Wool - 1 sm
Sash, Silk - 4 gm
Toga, Velvet - 5 gm
Toga, Silk - 45 gm
Apron, Leather - 3 sm
Loincloth, Silk w/beads - 3 sm
Stockings - 4 sm
Tabard - 5 sm
Night Sky Pattern: Galidar's signature designs involve images and symbolism taken from the night sky. Galidar also infuses these garments with Izentor thus marking them with Izurdin's first Gnosis Mark. A specific design, such as a star, sun, moon or other stellar object incorporates some small token as an integral part of the design. This token is what is infused with Izentor though if it is ever removed from the garment, the token loses its mark.
Cost: 1.5 x the original cost
Name: Galidar Skyweaver Sultros
Race/Gender: Sultros Isur/Male
Skills of Note: Sewing 55, Weaving 35, Leatherworking 22, Metalsmithing 18
Description: Galidar is a middle-aged man of average isurian build. Sporting short blond hair and a slight goatee, Galidar is relatively average in appearance. He is somewhat quiet yet he is a happy man who enjoys his work. With every morning bell, he awakes, packs up his goods and heads to his trade booth. With the ringing of the evening bell, he packs it all back up and goes home where he works on creating more garments for the next day.