Tools You Can't Live Without
One of the more popular shops around the Plaza deals in a variety of useful, everyday tools and implements. Simply named, Tools You Can't Live Without, the shop is frequented by people from all walks of isurian life. Though not out of the ordinary in terms of look and design, the interior of the shop is filled with items specific to isurian life. Shovels, picks, hammers, nails, wrenches are included in the more common collection. They adorn shelves, tables and hangers. All manner of toolkits are laid out on display for purchase as are items that don't quite fit in anywhere else.
The owner and operator of the shop is, Huzan Onyxgrind Sultros, an older gentleman of around 200 years of age. Crotchety, blunt and more than a little gruff, Huzan is more of a merchant than a true craftsmen as his collection is just that, a collection. The shop is filled with items Huzan collects, trades and barters for in order to provide a wide variety of items for purchase.
Goods:Axe, Carpenter's - 1 gm
Barrel (Empty) - 1 gm
Basket (Empty) - 4 sm
Block And Tackle - 5 gm
Body Building Equipment - 25-45 gm
Bottle, Wine, Glass - 2 gm
Bucket (Empty) - 5 sm
Chain (10 ft.) - 30 gm
Chest (Empty) - 2 gm
Crowbar - 2 gm
Embroidering Kit - 20 gm
Flask - 3 cm
Grindstone - 25 gm
Hammer - 5 sm
Hoe - 3 gm
Hourglass - 25 gm
Jar, Glass w/lid - 1 gm
Jug, Clay - 3 cm
Ladder, 10-Foot - 5 cm
Manacles - 15 gm
Mirror, Small Steel -10 gm
Mortar and Pestle- 1 gm
Mug, Clay - 2 cm
Pitcher, Clay - 2 cm
Pitchfork - 1 gm
Pole, 10-Foot - 2 sm
Pot, Iron - 5 sm
Rake - 1 gm
Rope, Hemp (50 ft.) - 1 gm
Sack (Empty) - 1 sm
Sealing Wax - 1 gm
Sewing Kit - 18 gm
Sewing Needle - 5 sm
Spade or Shovel - 2 gm
Toolkit, Archaeologist's - 45 gm
Toolkit, Cook/Chef - 10 gm
Toolkit, Crafter's - 25 gm
Toolkit, Engraver's - 50 gm
Toolkit, Gadgeteering -150 gm
Toolkit, Grooming - 30 gm
Toolkit, Herbalist/Botanist - 20 gm
Toolkit, Keymaker’s - 95 gm
Toolkit, Leatherworker’s - 70 gm
Toolkit, Mapmaker’s - 22 gm
Toolkit, Surgeon’s - 200 gm
Toolkit, Tattooing - 25 gm
Toolkit, Woodcarver's - 50 gm
Vial, Ink - 1 gm
Whetstone - 2 cm
Subterranean ItemsAxe, Stonecutting - 90 gm
Climbing Harness - 50 gm
Collapsing Cart - 40 gm
Descending Staff (Isurian) - 60 gm
Firebox - 100 gm
Fungal Rations - 50 gm
Gas Finder - 200 gm
Lye, Scouring - 5 gm
Miner’s Pack - 150 gm
Pick, Miner’s - 3 gm
Pulverizer (Isurian) - 200 gm
Sounding Drums (Pair) - 80 gm
Sifting Pan - 20 gm
Slide Grease - 25 gm
Travois, Miner’s - 60 gm
Name: Huzan Onyxgrind Sultros
Race/Gender: Sultros Isur/Male
Skills of Note: Leadership 51, Persuasion 35, Gadgeterring 27
Description: Huzan Onyxgrind Sultros is an older gentleman of around 200 years of age. Crotchety, blunt and more than a little gruff, Huzan is more of a merchant than a true craftsmen as his collection is just that, a collection. His brutal honesty and no-holds-barred approach to business has done him well in his time and made him a Plaza fixture.