Wolfmother (Sapphire)

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

Wolfmother (Sapphire)

Postby Mok on March 1st, 2012, 8:38 am

Winter 10, 511, just before dawn.

When Mok opened his eyes for the first time that morning, he jumped to his feet faster than ever before. He was a petching idiot. All he needed was to fall asleep and get slaughtered by the wolves. Luckily for him, the wolves had retreated for now. The myrian was truly relieved that he had bloodied them enough to make them retreat. They were desperate though and would probably be waiting for another opportunity to ambush.

The myrian would not have it though. Without a second thought, the warrior made up his mind. He would find and kill the wolves’ top dog. He would kill their leader and exact revenge on them. Why was he doing this? Because he wanted to. He had one life to live and he would not compromise for anything that tried to kill him. He would return for blood and flip the tables onto the wolves themselves.

Now it was Sapphire and Mok's turn to become hunters. End of discussion. Mok had no more doubts in his mind about the task that was now at hand.

Making his way to the wolf carcass, the myrian let the sleeping kelvic regain her strength. He would not disturb here while she rested. For he knew that the tiger would join him on his wolf hunt. It would surprise him much if she didn't.

Mok went to work right away skinning the body. He needed something to pass the time and a wolf pelt was always useful for the cold.

The myrian wasn't the best at skinning, but he had learned the basic techniques as a kid in Taloba. Hacking off the legs of the wolves with his gladius, Mok went to work. Next the warrior inserted the tip of his gladius just deep enough to pierce the hide only. He really wished he had a smaller knife. Trying to skin this motherpetcher with a gladius was harder than it looked. The myrian needed to use the steadiest of hands to make sure he got a clean cut.

The clean cut didn't happen though. With only a sword at his disposal, the myrian ended up ripping the skin off and not cutting it. During this process he cut into the ribcage and stomach, producing all of the bile liquid stored inside the carcass.

Ignoring the mess, Mok made another incision across the hind legs through the anus. There were definitely more delicate ways to preserve the skin, but the myrian didn't care about looks. He just wanted a pelt to keep himself warm. Flipping the dead animal over, Mok proceeded to remove the skin. Starting at the back, he slowly peeled up. After a few moments, Mok saw that it was coming off easy. Within a minute, he had pulled off nearly all of it.

Now it was time to remove the skin over the head. This would normally be one of the most delicate parts, but right before he decided to do the deed, Mok changed his mind and immediately cut the skin behind the neck. There was no need to keep the face intact. This was no prize, but only a pelt he would use for warmth.

Leaving nothing behind but a scrawny ball of muscle and guts, Mok spread the pelt over a clean rock letting the drying process begin.

Mok then took a break to watch the rising sun from Sapphires side...

Red = Myrian
Bold = Common
"If you want some, get some, bad enough, take some,
But watch the sword by my side,
Because it represents me and the motherpetching east side"
-one of Mok's mottos
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Wolfmother (Sapphire)

Postby Sapphire on April 11th, 2012, 3:03 am

Sapphire finally awoke. Her head felt like a hurricane, and her stomach felt like a monsoon. Both had an intense stirring feeling in them. She looked down to see her orange and black paws, then forward to see the wolf carcass laying in front of her. The only thing she felt more than the pain in her head, was the pain in her stomach. She lunged forward and began ripping it's body apart when she noticed the man that had saved her life was still sitting next to her. She looked over to him and wiped her bloody tongue across his cheek, then muzzled his arm. This man was now the only face of kindness she knew. He was her hero. He was her savior. He was her friend. She had a friendly face to look at now. Sapphire did know for sure that he would not be able to stay with her though. Humans were always so busy. Once she saw a young girl get tied up and thrown in a cage then hauled off to somewhere else. It looked like a fun game, but Sapphire knew humans didn't take to fondly to... what did the man with the spear say? Shape shifter! That's it! He tried to stab her on site of her transforming, but maybe that was just another game. Humans seem to like games involving cruelty and idiocy.
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Wolfmother (Sapphire)

Postby Mok on April 17th, 2012, 9:02 pm

Mok was surprised when the tiger began to shower him with kisses. At first, the myrian was extremely terrified. If anyone from Taloba would see him now they would flip! Never in his mind would he expect such a reaction from a wild animal. It WAS a kelvic though and the myrian couldn't really assume anything. With Sapphire anything was possible! All Mok could do was embrace it though. He let her kiss him, lick his face, and show affection. If Mok showed any other type of reaction, she might turn on him and he didn't want that. On a side note, he didn't really know how to show his friendship back to her. The warrior decided to gently stroke her head and her ears. He did not want to grab Sapphire or lean on her though. He would test the friendship in baby steps.

When the tigeress seem ready, Mok stood up and pounded his chest, "Thank you for protecting me life back there, but the fight is not over. We can not let those wolves go unpunished. They hurt us, so we will hurt them." Mok tried to keep it simple for Sapphire so she didn't have to transform, "Don't transform. If you agree then come with me and save all of your strength...I am going to need your hunting and tracking skills to help me. Find the wolves. Find where they are staying and we will slay their leader. Yes?"

Mok held his gladius out as an offer to the tiger. The gangster didn't know much about kelvics, but he figured that she would understand what was going on. Scanning her up and down, Mok finally realized just how beautiful she was. Her long slender body was full of power and speed. Although she was just a kelvic, her body was much bigger than a normal tiger. She was almost as big as a true myrian tiger. The jungle blood was probally flowing somewhere in her viens. That is why the myrian was able to ride her the day before. Mok understood now that his new ally was a blessing and gift of nature to the warrior. He would charish this friendship and he would do everything in his power to prove to Sapphire just how serious he was. He wasn't about to let anyone walk over him or walk over Sapphire his new blood sister. For they had shared a life changing experience already and they where where beginning to form that bond. Mok would not let her down.

"Will you help me achieve revenge on their leader for hurting you?" Mok repeated. Hopefully Sapphire would help him and let Mok show her what he was really all about.

oocI am so sorry for not posting faster! I didnt realize you posted @_@ next time pm me :P anyways I think I can handle two threads with sapphire at once...would you like to have another one in the spring? :)

Red = Myrian
Bold = Common
"If you want some, get some, bad enough, take some,
But watch the sword by my side,
Because it represents me and the motherpetching east side"
-one of Mok's mottos
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Wolfmother (Sapphire)

Postby Sapphire on April 18th, 2012, 1:26 am

(OOC: Okay, I would love that. I like where Sapphire and Mok's relationship is going too.)

The man's firm hands felt good running down Sapphire's head. Humans have never taken so kindly to her before. He was being cautious however, how could he not? She was at least three times his size, easy. Her massive paws could easily tear his limbs apart. The strength and weight she had stored in her body, it would crush the man just from accidentally rolling over on him. He would warm up soon though. In a short time they would be playing those odd games that she had seen humans playing so many times before. What other things did humans do together? Maybe they wrestle like the lions in the fields. If they did, that would probably mean that they fight over territory a lot as well, this meant fighting to the death among the lions. Humans are quite questionable beasts though, it seemed every human had their own rules and ways of life. The lions and zebras all had the same.

Mok was offering, no, asking Sapphire to accompany him to hunt the leader of the pack that had attacked them. Most animals would either lose the fight against the pack and die, or win and carry on to live their life. Revenge was not in the nature of animals. Even the most fearsome of predators would just walk away... or at least the ones she had seen. There was a much larger, much more fearsome beast she had seen roaming the wilderness around Sunberth. It seemed to think a little bit more like Sapphire, maybe even like humans. It would ponder it's next move, and then kill anything within it's vicinity if it could find a way.

In response to his question. Sapphire gave an enthusiastic growl to Mok, then sniffed the wolf's dead body and began tracking the scent to it's den. Her wise cat eyes scanned the area ahead. She inhaled deeply looking for the scent. Her head was still screaming at her, but it was working enough to let her track the wolves. It was never like this in her human form, but her heightened animal senses almost gave the scent a visible appearance. Her smell gave it a whole new form. When she inhaled, there seemed to be some kind of colorless mist floating in the air. If she stopped sniffing, it would go away. The physical appearance was really just an image made in her head by the intensity of the smell, but it was real enough to convince a small minded animal it was real. Sapphire wasn't stupid, but just as any other unintelligent beast, the visibility of the smell was real to her, and she would have to follow it with her nose and eyes to best earn Mok's trust.
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