OOCFor reference, the current seating arrangements as I understand it based on Perrin's description: KRIVAK EMPTY EMPTY PERRIN COREN EMPTY BANIR ALEAInexplicably, Alea wasn't getting anywhere with Banir. He seemed to be ignoring her as easily as ever...if not more so! Maybe she wasn't staring hard enough. She opened her eyes
even wider, but before she could get results, she was distracted by a familiar voice. She waited for the rush of aggression and enmity that she usually felt when having to encounter Coren... but to her surprise, it didn't come. At most she felt a mild suspicion, but offenses which had seemed so important not long ago felt a bit meaningless now.
She was distracted from these thoughts when another person she recognized came in. It was the man who had arrived a few days previously; she remembered taking care of his mule. She made a point not to look at him directly, not wanting to appear rude (and unaware of any hypocrisy in the sentiment regarding her recent treatment of Banir), the she did watch him out of the corner of her eye, curious what such a newcomer to the city might do. He seemed to be exchanging words with the bartender, but he was speaking too softly for Alea to hear.
The loud bang of Coren slamming his glass on the counter caused her to jump, even though she could see it coming. When the man grabbed Coren's shoulder, she became more alert, even standing slightly without realizing it. When he punched Coren in the face, a familiar emotion boiled up in Alea. Who did this newcomer think he was, coming in here and starting trouble? Couldn't he see that everyone was stressed enough from the chaos the storm had caused?
As her feet charged toward the offending party, she became aware of another reason for her anger. Coren was
her nemesis. Attacking him was
her privilege! If this man though himself worthy of punching Coren in the face, well, she'd just have to teach him a lesson. She had these thoughts in the brief moment it took her to cross the short distance, raise her fist, and plow it into Perrin's face with all the strength and momentum of a fifteen-year-old girl.
She tried to say something then, she wasn't even sure what, but instead of words, all that came out was a croak, followed by a brief coughing fit. Thinking to sooth her itching throat with liquid, she grabbed Perrin's half-finished ale and took a swing... and at the unexpectedly strong flavor, she immediately spit it back out, right into Perrin's face.