[Location] Cylini's Exotics

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The fortified mountain city of the Isur. [Lore]

[Location] Cylini's Exotics

Postby Gillar on March 4th, 2012, 1:05 pm

Cylini's Exotics


One of the larger buildings around the Plaza is home to a rather unusual collection of persona. Cylini's Exotics is an expansive structure that houses a large number of domestic as well as exotic creatures from throughout the Kingdom and beyond. Cylini's specialty is offering animal companions to the people of Sultros City as well as the rest of the Kingdom. The large building itself is not overly remarkable from the outside although in place of the traditional carved pillars and facade depicting isurian heroes and historical events, Cylini's pillars are shaped like various animals from lizards to snakes and a few of the more unknown beasts. A tall iron fence encloses around the rear of the building offering a glimpse at an area that appears to be some sort of zoo. Various enclosures contain a number of exotic creatures from lizards to snakes and a wide variety of other reptiles.

Once inside the building, visitors are greeted by a rather amazing sight. The inner confines of the building are quite large and filled with all manner of cage, fence and glass enclosure. All manner of bestial sounds fill the air as well as a collection of unique smells. There are a number of attendants catering to the various animals held inside as well as greeting visitors and would-be customers. Cylini's not only offers a glimpse at some of the more unusual lifeforms to be found in the world but also trades in pets and companions for those who want them.

While there are a number of smaller adjoining chambers, visitors are allowed passage in the main chamber as well as through a door to back of the building that leads outside to a well laid-out path that weaves its way through the fenced enclosures. All of the animals on display are examples of what can be purchased at Cylini's.

Note that the harsh environment of the Kalea region makes the presence of many of the creatures here quite rare as they would not otherwise be found in the area. All of the animals on display in Cylini's have special care taken in the design of their habitats including the use of World Magic to create special environments for many. Most animals offered for purchase will need to also have certain environmental items purchased for the place they are to be housed in.

Snakes: A number of constrictor snakes are on display and available for purchase with Boas and Pythons being the most available. There are a variety of other snakes, many poisonous, on display however these are not traditionally available for purchase. Price varies on size with larger ones costing more. Cost: 40-70 gm

Amphibians: A wide variety of frogs, toads and salamanders of sizes ranging from that of a miza to as big as a small dog are available for purchase. All varieties available however are not poisonous however many on display are. Price varies on size with larger ones costing more. Cost: 25-50 gm

Lizards: Lizards make up the majority of the animals available for purchase. There are more varieties of them than any other and they come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Some of the lizards on display are poisonous however those available for purchase are not. Price varies on size with larger ones and much smaller ones costing more. Cost: 35-150 gm

Unique Pets/Companions:
The following animals are unique to Sultros or otherwise stand out from others of their kind. By and large, they are either naturally adapted to the subterranean environment and to some extent, the outside environment as well.


Brynkil - A popular companion of the smaller variety is the Brynkil Roughly the size of a large pigeon, these lizards are common throughout the southern Kingdom but not as much so elsewhere in the wild. Brynkil look like lizards with with a pair of scaled wings extending from their shoulders. Their forelegs end in clawed, highly dexterous toes that can grasp items quite well. The ones here at Cylini's have been domesticated and bred for color and intelligence. While wild Brynkil are duller in color with more natural camouflage, the domesticated ones are slightly more colorful with hues of red or blue with patches of black. Wild Brynkil remain in claimed territory for as long as food and safety is available and this behavior transfers to the domesticated variety. They are intelligent enough to recognize their master's home as their own and will rarely roam more than a few yards away from that home assuming adequate food and care is provided. The Brynkil requires a healthy diet of cave beetles which are more than plentiful throughout the Kingdom and are sold in adequate quantities at Cylini's. Brynkil are hatched from eggs with a female laying up to three eggs at a time, twice a year on average.

Size: 1.5 feet tall (head to tail), 3-3.5 foot wingspan, 2-3 lbs
Color: light brown and red or blue with patches of black
Intelligence: Low
Purpose: companion
Value: 65 gm
Diet: cave beetles
Lifespan: 50 years
Special Abilities: Brynkil use their wings to fly. However, they are unable to maintain flight for extended periods of time; no more than five to seven minutes under normal conditions.
Training Limitations and Care: Although Brynkil are hardy for their size, they can only carry up to half their own weight in flight and even then only for a minute or so. They are intelligent enough to recognize their master's and will remain with them as long as they are properly fed and cared for. They can't be trained to do things against their nature thus hunting anything beyond cave beetles is beyond them. They can be trained to retrieve certain items as long as they are able to carry them without much strain. For example, a Brynkil may be trained to retrieve items they can carry in their hands or mouths such as coins, small stones, insects, or similarly sized items. They however can only associate a single word with a single object and even then can only remember up to three items at the most. Their associations isn't perfect though so say a Brynkil is trained to retrieve coins, they may return with any item shaped like a coin. Brynkil will not search for their masters for very long if they become lost. In the absence of their master, they become nervous and unsteady. Brynkil prefer dark, enclosed areas for which to sleep in; often finding pouches and packs worn by their masters to be comfortable.

Drakori - Drakori are lizards that can reach a size as big as large dogs and are perhaps the most popular pet/companion in the entire Kingdom. Drakori are covered in thick scales with numerous small spines accenting their shoulders, leg joints and head. These spines are especially prevalent around their neck; forming something of a mane. All of the Drakori's spines are flexible and somewhat resemble soft, moveable fingernails. These Drakori have the unique ability to extend these spines outward so that they act almost like the whiskers of a cat; offering aid in balance and navigation on treacherous surfaces. In their rather large mouths, they have a plethora of tiny teeth which are used to grind, shred and cut their food. Drakori possess an intelligence comparable to the best bred domesticated dogs. On average, they are as big as a medium-sized dog but larger ones are also common. They are quick for their size and like the isur, very strong.

Perhaps the most unique trait that the Drakori possess is that they are born completely blind. The unique part of this is that to compensate, the Drakori have developed a sense of taste and smell to complement their equally enhanced sense of touch (thanks to their extendable spines). These senses work together in a way that grants the Drakori a rudimentary Auristic ability. This ability allows them to sense their surroundings in a way that most creatures cannot. They can literally taste the auras of potential friends, enemies, mates or food.

The relationship between Drakori and their masters is important in many ways. Not anyone can pick out a Drakori for their own, it must be mutual. A would-be master must spend time talking to the Drakori, allow it to lick/taste the person's hand and let it decide whether or not it likes the person. If a Drakori finds the person's aura acceptable, it will bind itself to that person's smell; essentially binding it to the master's aura. The bond between the Drakori and the Master is such that the Drakori will take on some of the personality traits of the master. If the master is moody and aggressive, so too will the Drakori. If the master is kind, open and joyful, so too will be the Drakori. This bond is strong enough that the Drakori's lifespan is even tied to that of the master so that, barring sickness or injury or other similar events, the Drakori will live as long as their master does. When/if their master dies, so does the Drakori. Drakori females may lay a single egg once a year.

The bond, while strong, only works for Drakori. That said however, they do not share senses, thoughts and can't mentally speak with their masters. They can only sense basic mood and emotions as well identify specific auras.

Drakori are all but extinct in the wild thanks to the Valterrian. The divine cataclysm disrupted the wild Drakori's auristic ability such that they were rendered helpless against the outside world. During the isur's exodus from the ruined Old Kingdom, they brought with them surviving Drakori. The bond these Drakori shared with their masters protected them from that which destroyed their wild brethren. After that, the Drakori were bred entirely in captivity thus increasing the strength of their bond and solidifying the relationship between them and their masters. Though it is possible for multiple Drakori have a bond with the same master, most will not choose a master who already has a bound Drakori. It is unknown exactly why this is though it is suspected that the Drakori may actually leave a tiny mark of sorts on the aura of their master identifying them as being bound. If such a mark exists, it is not detectable by anyone or anything other than another Drakori. Due to their history and specific breeding, Drakori are only able to create a bond with isur.

Drakori perform all manner of duties around the Kingdom from pet/companion to work animal and security.

Size: 2-3 feet tall (foot to shoulder), 4-6 feet long (head to tail), 50-250 lbs
Color: greenish-grey or light tan with light tan or dull yellow underbellies
Intelligence: High
Purpose: Companion/Work/Security
Value: 350 gm
Diet: large pellets made of compacted moss, mushrooms and large rodent meat
Lifespan: 100 years without a master or up to the lifespan of their master
Special Abilities: Drakori possess a rudimentary auristic ability that allows them to identify the specific auras of potential friends, enemies, mates, food and masters. They are very strong and capable of carrying twice their weight for extended periods of time. Their scales are smooth and soft yet durable and can withstand the harshness of the Kalea region both above and below ground.
Training Limitations and Care: Drakori are highly intelligent animals that, in part due to their auristic ability, are capable of extensive training comparable to that of the best bred dogs. They can learn several commands and will usually obey their masters without question. Due to their bond with their master, they will share similar emotions and or moods which may or may not disrupt or aid in training and obedience. Their master's home is their own and they do not like to be far from their master. Unwanted guests in the master's home can expect a very rude welcome from the Drakori. Though the Drakori's teeth are not sharp enough to break the tough skin of an isur, their jaws are strong enough to cause severe bruising and possible internal bleeding. Though strong enough to carry an isur on their back, most Drakori do not care for this and most isur would not be lazy enough to not walk for themselves. In times of need however, a Drakori will certainly lend itself to carrying its wounded or sick master.


Boarding (Per Day) - 3 gm for animals purchased at Cylini's only
Basic Class: Animal Husbandry - 15 gm or Free with animal purchase
Animal Healing/Medicine - varies between 10 and 100 gm on average


Reptile Habitat - An izentored glass enclosure complete with suitable mini-environment; plants, rocks, etc. Included if necessary is a magecrafted stone that gives off light and heat; activated with a simple command word. Stone only works when placed in the izentored enclosure. Cost: 100 (small), 250 (large)

Reptile Feed - This includes many different types of feed for the various reptiles available for purchase; small rodents, insects or other special dietary needs. Cost: 1 gm for 1 week of feed

Drakori Pellets - Due to the added effort of actually making the Drakori Pellets, they are differently priced compared to other types of reptile feed. They are pellets about the size of one's fist and are made of compacted moss, mushrooms and rodent meat. The Drakori usually consumes three to five per day depending on their size. Although the pellets are their primary food source, they may survive on various types of moss and mushrooms or larger rodents when pellets aren't readily available. Cost: 5 sm per bag of 10 pellets

Drakori Harness - Though not needing a leash to keep them under control, Drakori are often outfitted with specially designed harnesses that are both comfortable and useful. These harnesses are made of woven, dried moss treated with oils that the Drakori find distasteful thus discouraging them from chewing on them. The harnesses come with a number of pouches, loops and straps which allow for the Drakori to carry a number of items as well as being able to support the pulling of carts or other loads. Colors vary however most isur choose the color of their clan. Cost: 25 gm

Brynkil Pouch - Brynkil prefer small, enclosed areas to sleep. When traveling with their masters, Brynkil will often crawl into a pouch or pack. The Brynkil Pouch is made specifically for this purpose. It is a durable leather pouch lined with dried, woven moss and a flap designed with a simple latch so that the Brynkil can easily open and close it when it wants to enter. The pouch can be worn on the waist or easily attached to a pack. Its lining is thick enough and soft enough to provide great protection from the outside world while the Brynkil sleeps. Cost: 10 gm

Name: Cylini Amphibos Sultros
Race/Gender: Sultros Isur/Female
Skills of Note: Animal Husbandry 75, Auristics 35, Leadership 32
Description: Cylini is the owner of Cylini's Exotics. She is a middle-aged woman with short blonde hair and a kind smile. Her family has been in the business of raising reptiles for centuries and she continues the tradition. She is very serious when it comes to the care of reptiles and has more knowledge regarding reptiles than almost anyone else in the Kingdom. She is almost never found without her Drakori, Tummy, at her side and can be found greeting visitors and customers alike while also tending to the numerous reptiles she thinks of as family.
Name: Varies
Race/Gender: Varies
Skills of Note: Animal Husbandry 35, Wilderness Survival 15
Description: There are a dozen or so attendants working at Cylini's at any one time. Their gender and age varies although their skill level is more or less similar. They tend to all of the expected duties such as caring for the reptiles; feeding, watering, cleaning, etc. They maintain the facility itself and share the workload of training and teaching others.
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