Kale Sordonis

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Kale Sordonis

Postby Kale Sordonis on March 5th, 2012, 9:55 pm

PC Name
Kale Sordonis


Physical Information
Spring 28th 491 AV/About 20 years

Physical Description
Kale is an interesting person to see at first. His blond hair is about fairly short, but completely untamed. Standing at 5'10, he is fairly tall in comparison to the people he grew up around. His height is made even more out of the ordinary by his lack of mass. Only weighing about 120 lbs, Kale often appears very gaunt.

Kale's clothing is almost random in its own right. Obviously all hand stitched together, his garb is a conglomerate of bits and pieces of other kinds of cloth he could find. Atop his head rests a pair of glasses with very thick frames, and a large leather strap wrapping around his head. Wrapped around his hands are various bits of cloth, obviously bandaging of some kind. Take them off and one can see a very odd set of scars and burns covering the vast majority of his flesh.

Add in the fact that his eyes are constantly darting about, and you have a recipe for a crazy appearance.

Character Concept
Personality – Kale's exact personality is somewhat difficult to nail down. If one were to simply study him from afar, the only logical decision that could be made is complete insanity. Often seen talking to something that isn't there, to his projects, the plants, etc, Kale is a bit nutty. Getting to know him takes time and patience. Lots of patience. His apparent lack of focus (or extreme tunnel vision) makes him a difficult person to communicate with. Once communication is established, and a connection forged, one can begin to understand what makes Kale tick, so to speak. It becomes painfully obvious that his one true passion is the creations he makes. His tinkering is the most important thing in the world to him. Living creatures are seen as inefficient failures of space. He believes that with enough practice, he could make a automaton that could do everything a human could do, with less resources, and give it the ability to self repair, making it far more valuable than human life.

Ethics – Kale's creations are all that matters to him. He would sacrifice someone else before any creation of his. He believes beings of flesh are near worthless, and one day hopes to be able to create something that can make him less of the flesh, and more automated.

Likes – Albeit he is addicted to his gadgeteering, Kale has an odd taste for anything he sees in life that is efficient. Even though a troop of soldiers is still human, their movements are very efficient, and will be admired by Kale.

Dislikes – Anything that breathes. It isn't an outright hatred, but a strong distaste. Kale makes friends from time to time, but will always have a tick that causes him to see every action that wastes energy.

Character History

Pre-Creation – Kale has no true recollection of most of his childhood. All he remembers is waking up near the ocean as a young boy with a vicious head wound. A man that claimed to be family to him helped him heal his wounds, and gave a general direction to him. Checking his person, the young boy found very few possessions. With the feeling he had been lied to and robbed, He attacked the other man in his sleep. A small scuffle ensued, and the man emerged victorious. He sat the boy down, and explained he was an older brother, and that he simply wanted to take care of his younger sibling. Kale slowly accepted this as truth because he knew no better.

Continuing on their way, the two came across Sunberth. This would be where they would stay. Sleeping just on the outskirts, Kale tried in vain to remember bits about his past. His brother tried to describe their life together, but the only part of his past Kale had with him were the clothes on his back, and a small, crab-like atomata. The crab didn't seem to do very much, but would scuttle to and fro, occasionally picking up small items and bringing them to the boy.

As the boy grew into a young man, his brother eventually left him, and he slowly became a member of Sunberth. Poor and looked upon as ill or insane, he mostly kept to himself. His day to day became little more than studying and creating his various gadgets. It was all he really knew how to do, and the only thing he could remember from before.

Training & Skill Points

Starting Package
Gadgeteering: 30/100
Metalsmithing: 15/100
Mathmatics: 10/100
Drawing: 10/100

Languages: Common (Fluent), Isur (Basic), Kontinese (Poor)


Lore of Escapement Mechanics (Clockwork)
Lore of Mechanical Assembly (Dissembling and reassembling pre-made gadgets)

Equipment/Possessions (Required)

1 Set of Clothing
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:, 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap), Food for a week, 1 eating knife
1 Large drawing book with set of pencils
1 Set of Gadgeteer tools
Flint & Steel
10 pounds of Iron
Tent (1 man)
Crab-like Atomata (Heirloom)
10 pounds of coal

Ledger (Required)
(600 Start [No Housing Package])

-150gm 1 Set of Gadgeteer tools (450)
-5gm 10 pounds of Iron (445)
-2gm Tent (1 man) (443)
-1gm Smelting Pot (442)
-15gm 10 pounds of coal (427)

Thread List (Optional)
A New Dawn
Sunset at Sunberth
A Heart Like My Own
Last edited by Kale Sordonis on March 7th, 2012, 5:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Progress. One gear at a time.
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Kale Sordonis
Posts: 11
Words: 7803
Joined roleplay: March 5th, 2012, 2:07 am
Location: Lost in thought. Please send search party.
Race: Human
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