by Sahashkalila on March 15th, 2012, 4:02 pm
Kalila purposely avoided answering Andalusia's question regarding her race, not wanting to give away any secrets about her race lest they reveal her. She pushed her mug away, not wanting any more of the disgusting beverage since she only ordered one to be polite. She gave a brief smile to Andalusia, her innocence to what was really happening refreshing to Kalila, there were too few people now that did not know what a Dhani was and Kalila planned to keep it that way, at least for today anyway. Kalila turned back to face Lyalya, who seemed to have taken such a keen interest into her. SHe would have thought that Andalusia would have been the one she would have been interested in, because the huntress looked more of a threat than Kalila did, but she supposed she was once again the exotic oddity and she would always receive attention.
She clasped her small hands in front of her, her features calm and composed. It seemed that lying was going to be something that she was going to have to do quite often around this blonde woman, at least until she proved that she was trustworthy. It would be nice to be able to reveal herself for what she really was, to not have her companions shy away from her because they were frightened. SHe missed the constant companionship that she had with her brother Nasim, of course they were both Dhani, but she missed being able to just be herself.....but she let none of her inner thoughts show on her face.
"I can asssure you that there are no sssecretss,"she said to the blonde woman, the challenge clear in her voice,"but your curiossity is amussing sso I will indulge you. My sstory iss rather boring, truth be told, for I have not been in thiss city long. I traveled here with a group of traderss from Ahnatep, who turned out to be jusst ass dubiouss ass there goodss, and in turn dumped me here to fend for mysself. I managed to get a ssmall housse in Ssunsset Quarterss and from there I would treat the local urchinss for minor woundss or coldss who could not afford to go to the clinic....I do not like to sssee children ssuffer." She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts once again. Her story was true, all of that really did happen once her and Nasim parted ways, but she wasn't about to reveal her life story to these two woman. Her hands tightened in her lap for a moment in her lap and pain crossed her face before she composed herself once again and spoke. "I cannot ssurvive in thiss city on treating poor children alone, ass much ass enjoy doing it....but I do not know where to take my talentss sso they could be usseful." This was also true as well. The clinic would not take an exotic stranger who nothing of this region.
"Ssso that iss my ssordid sstory,"she said with a small laugh, hoping the two women would buy it, and perhaps they would know of where she could go to be helpful.