Ehzo Riverstar

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Moderator: Liaisons

Ehzo Riverstar

Postby Ehzo on March 14th, 2012, 1:50 pm

Ehzo Riverstar

Basic Information

Race: Drykas
Birthday & Age: Summer 69th, 481 AV (30 years old)
Gender: Male


Common: Fluent

Pavi: Fluent

Physical Description

Ehzo stands about 6'2" and weighs 200lbs. He's got very long jet black hair, warm brown eyes, and darkly tanned skin, save for the the three, thin, parallel scars on his left cheek. His arms are muscular and his face is chiseled. His back is covered with his ornate windmarks and he has a spiral shaped Cheva mark on the left side of his neck. Ehzo has an aloof, stalwart leader personality and frequently finds himself in situations where he must make decisions and lead others. This may be because of the Drykas' natural leadership qualities and his own ability to accurately asses situations and form strategies. People often think Ehzo is not as bold as other Drykas, however this is only because of the careful thought and planning that goes into his every action and decision. Ehzo strong willed, driven, and determined to recover his memory and the past life that goes with it.

Character Concept

Ehzo has an assertive yet aloof personality. He's not afraid to lead or make tough decisions but does not openly seek such responsibilities. He tends to come across as thoughtful, determined, and astute, often noticing subtle details easily overlooked by others. He's fascinated by methodical processes and logical problems, making him an excellent strategist as he can see a problem from all angles and therefore anticipate possible future obstacles. This, however, also makes him prone to over thinking simple problems and thinking too far ahead, effectively causing him to 'step on his own feet'. Ehzo has a strong sense of ethics and morals, and abides by Syliras' law only as long as it doesn't interfere with those ethics.

Character History

Ehzo was born in the Summer of 481 A.V. Jihkas and Lahria Riverstar. He is of the Diamond Clan and is quite a proficient fighter. He was raised just like any other Drykas, his father saw a natural skill in him at a young age and taught him all he knew about fighting as well as his own personal philosophies on life. He had one younger sister whom he was very close to and who was killed at a young age by a glassbeak. Ehzo has always blamed himself for her death since he started the 'hide and go seek' game that led them away from their parents, and was not able to save her. At age 16 he met Leira from the Sapphire Clan, commisioned by his father to help him with his poor webbing skills. Ehzo's webbing did not improve but he and Leira fell in love and were married three years later. They had two children, Mora and Kalen, 9 and 12 respectively. Ehzo then lived a normal life without incident until the Djed storm of 512 A.V. While heading through the portion of 'The Run' leading up to Riverfall, Ehzo as well the others around him felt the storm approaching. He was able to find shelter for his family in time but was sucked into the storm when trying to find his daughter, who had gone missing in the commotion. He wakes up on a shore near Black Rock with no recollection of his past, just his name and the few things on his person.

Training & Skill Points

Riding 10/100 - (10pts - racial bonus)
Horsemanship 15/100 - (15pts - starting package)
Long Sword 20/100 - (20pts - starting package)
Leadership 15/100 - (15pts - starting package)
Lore of Sea of Grass Geography (starting package)
Lore of the Importance of the Strider (starting package)


1 Set of Clothing (Colorful)
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak/coat
-Simple Boots
Leather Armor (10gm)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Bone)
-Brush (Bone)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
Heirloom: Sword, Bastard (35gm)


100 gm (starting coin)
+500gm (no house or tent)
590 gm (coin after purchases)

Thread List
Last edited by Ehzo on March 19th, 2012, 2:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Character sheet

Ehzo Riverstar

Postby Ghost on March 14th, 2012, 7:40 pm


Liaison Intervention

I’m Ghost, and I’m a Character Sheet Liaison. I’m here to help others with their Character Sheets and the Lore. There are a few things in your Character Sheet that you need to fix:

1) I’ve noticed that you decided to start without a house, and you don’t have a horse or a tent either. If you decide to start without those things, you can add an extra 500 gold mizas to your inventory.

2) You own fishing hooks, but you didn’t use your starting money to pay for them.

3) Cheva marks are not on the wrist, but on the left side of a person’s neck.

4) This isn’t something you really need to fix. You mention your PC’s leadership qualities. People can have qualities that make them good leaders, but if you really want to do something with it, you should consider practicing the Leadership skill or a similar skill.

Send me a PM when you have editted your Character Sheet, and I’ll remove this intervention. Have fun in Mizahar and don’t hesitate to PM me if anything is still unclear or you have questions.

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