Timestamp: 24th of Spring, 512 AV Location: The Cerulean Pier. Time: Midnight. Under the starry night in Zeltiva, Canrehne was walking in her ritual robe and her ritual headdress, carrying her dagger in her mouth, along with exactly five, pristine candles lodged onto her right forearm. Walking onto the Cerulean Pier, she picked up one of the candles, holding it in her left hand whilst supporting the others with her right forearm, which is pressed against her chest. She walked up to a lit lantern with the candle in her hand, bringing it closer to the lantern before using her pinky to pull the tiny door of the lantern open. She then proceeded with lighting one candle, and she walked further along the pier. Canrehne kept walking on the pier, even though more than half of it was destroyed. She sat near the end, and positioned the candles in a way they represent a five-pointed star. Upon setting them down, she used the already lit candle to light the other candles before returning it into it's original position. She then sat into the five-pointed star, allowing the dagger out of her mouth - which she until this point held with her teeth. She then grasped onto the dagger, and swiftly moved it over her index and her middle finger. She grunted a little bit, then she started connecting the candles with minor drops of her blood, which she then smeared over the solid surface of the Cerulean pier. Scrawling up the five-pointed star with the candles being an outline of a sort, she then scrabbled a circle inside - all in her blood. After smearing the blood all around her, she set the dagger outside the circle and she stood up. Starting to dance, Canrehne was prancing entire Zeltiva at night, the dance was so graceful, yet, it was so mysterious. Her headdress clamoring in the previously silent night, it was bound to gather attention. Her dance, devoted to Makutsi was pure eye-candy and appealing. The astonishing dance was performed with such grace, that even the most violent individual in Mizahar would stop for a moment and just watch. Watch the graceful dance, which was not something you'd see every day, no. It was a custom dance that Canrehne was performing. A self-taught, made up way of worshipping her one and only goddess, Makutsi. From a distance, the dance looked almost as equally graceful, the candles themselves have contributed to the feeling of mystery, but they as well aided in making the entire scene look religious. The ritual was reeking of mystery, and due to it being in the middle of the night, it certainly would make someone wonder what is going on at the pier. The dilapidated pier was practically brought back to life because of Canrehne's custom ritual for Makutsi. |