Isn't that just the cutest? :3 I didn't make it though, although it depicts my character Chamaeleon. No, the fox in the middle is responsible for this work of art. This picture is of Chamaeleon, Roka, and Andalusia.

However, introductions are in order. I am Chamaeleon, with no last name, and I have been known by other names for the past four years, but Chamaeleon is the one I like most. Found Mizahar pretty normally, I suppose, hitting a site called Roleplay Gateway or something where half of the other accounts seem to have been disabled. Mizahar, I am sorry to say, wasn't my first choice, but it quickly became it.
The lore here gets to me. Easily. I log onto the main page there, search up something indistinct like fauna, and find myself transported to amazing regions with incredible beasties that make me wish I had started as a kelvic rather than an Ethaefal.
Don't get me wrong, though. I love my little Ethaefal. I'm kind of plotting out her future, and if I need it, her demise, and she just sits there idling away with a big smile on her face, content to stare at the sky all day.
Now that I think of it, Chamaeleon could very well be birdbrained.
I pretty much decided to make a scrapbook today simply because I wanted somewhere to post when I had time to whittle away at. :3 This will mainly be about Chamaeleon, or various fluffy things like bunnies, or mold, or chicks.
First this, though. I was watching a little animation not too long ago and heard a familiar song that immediately brought to mind Chamaeleon and pretty much the entirety of the Ethaefal race.
Well-known song warning!
I really love that song. Really, makes me think of what I meant for Chamaeleon to be and to feel whenever I think deeply on her.
Anyway. Bye for now!