46 Spring 512 Selena tried to spend time in the Cribellum reading texts regularly. She usually visited at least a few times a season, either reading texts on other races and cultures, or perhaps seeing notes on her own practiced magical arts of morphing and hypnotism. She rarely saw anyone else, as few people visited it, besides the bookkeeper, and people coming to record some information. Sometimes she ended up not finding much, or going through information she already knew, as often different people would leave notes of a similar nature. This meant it often took a bit of time to find a original bit of information that one had not already seen, and most of it could not be totally trusted, as sometimes people were completely wrong in the views that they recorded. But sometimes you could eventually puzzle out something useful, by comparing many different peoples notes. As she tried to decide what she was going to look for, she looked around, trying to see if anyone else was there... Selena finally settled on seeing if anything new on hypnotism had come in, though it tended to be one of the less written about subjects, as it was one of many types of magic, and magic was not a commonly used thing... Most of the texts on the subjects were quite old, but once in a while something new came in... |