Lilith Krahe

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Lilith Krahe

Postby Lilith Krahe on March 18th, 2012, 12:46 am

Lilith Krahe


Physical Description

Name: Lilith Krahe
Race: Human
Age: 20 (As of 73rd Spring 512 AV)
Birthday: 73rd of Spring 492 AV
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Short, yet feminine.
Eye Color: Green

Character Concept

Lilith, while living a basic and happy childhood, has since been thrust into a world of pain and confusion. It is all she can do to come up with a reason to live, and yet, she will only admit it to herself. Considering what might have become of here if she had not been "rescued" by the Akalak, she knows she has no right to complain about her current living conditions. Still, the traumatic experiences of the recent months have left her shaken to say the these. While extremely twitchy when alone and sensitive about being snuck up on, if given time to prepare for contact with others, she is able to act naturally in most situations. Her biggest passion is her music, but recently it has taken a bit of a back seat in her life. This is something she soon hopes to remedy. As far as appearance goes, Lilith is rather frail and only stands about 5' 4", and she is still recovering From her run in with the slavers. (until the end of Spring 512) This means she has bruises and scars, and that her hair is cut short, something she requested upon returning to Riverfall. Lilith has Green eyes and btown hair with a fair complexion and a light tan.

Character History

Growing up in Riverfall, Lilith was a rambunctious little girl. Some people may have classified her as a tomboy, but she was actually just curious and willing to do anything to fulfill those curiosities. Her parents were both humans and lived a very simple life, working and providing for their small family. Lilith was their only daughter in spite of further attempts to have children by her parents. They treasured their little girl and considered her a gift from the gods, but, due to the fact that they both had jobs to do, she spent a lot of time unsupervised. This left Lilith free to roam around Riverfall a bit and get to know the streets and people. Most frequently, she would walk to the Valkalah Academy and listen to the orchestra. As she matured into a young woman, her interest in music increased until she finally begged her parents into getting her a cello. At the age of fifteen she joined the Valkalah Academy Musicians Compact and began training to be a cellist. She used her music as an escape to compensate for the fact that she could be very socially awkward at times. It would seem that she should have been perfectly content with her life, but that childhood fondness for the unknown began to creep back up. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it destroyed Lilith's life in an entirely different way. It began to bother Lilith that she had never been outside the city of Riverfall. She thought the city was a beautiful place, but there had to be countless interesting adventures outside the walls. She began leaving the city once or twice a week to take walks through the surrounding wilds. It brought a little diversity to her rather generic life, and it was always the highlight of her day. During the Autumn of 511 AV, on one such walk her memory of these little adventures would be forever changed.

She had stayed at the Academy longer than she expected and was running late for her walk that day. However, that wasn't going to stop her from going, she wouldn't give up these walks for anything. She didn't usually like to take the same route, but she had gone the same way the past two or three times she had gone. So this time she had decided to go somewhere she had never been. This was the decision that would be her undoing. Despite having left the city several times by now, she was still no wilderness expert and it was much later than she realized. Lost in the excitement of blazing a new trail, she didn't even notice the sun going down. Before she had time to find her way back, it was dark, and dark was bad. Lilith spent three days wandering in the wrong direction. By the time she was found, she was starving, dehydrated, and on the verge of passing out. But this was not the rescue she had hoped for. No, this was one of the bands of slavers that roamed the grasslands of the Cyphrus region. This was her doom. Most of Lilith's experience with them has been blocked from her mind by the trauma. However, that doesn't change what they did to her. Beating her and passing her from one man to the next, raping her, this was her life now. Every day she thought she would die, some days she even hoped for it, but Lilith was tough, she survived.

Lilith's real rescue came in the form of an Akalak raiding party, when they found the slaving camp and rescued the inhabitants. It was a stroke of luck she thought, but her struggle wasn't over. It had been two weeks since she had become certain she was pregnant. She hadn't dared tell the slavers, but she was positive. Now she faced a life in a much more pleasant type of slavery, but she knew this life would come with it costs. The idea of going from the slaver's sex toy, to that of some Akalak, wasn't what she had hoped for, but she had to be grateful. At least this way, she might get to see her parents again.

Upon returning to the city, a couple weeks after a storm of massive proportions, Lilith's world got even a little darker. Their family home had been destroyed and her father had died in the storm. Now, her only possessions were the few simple things her rescuers had given her and a ring her mother had given her. The spirit of hope and rebuilding that filled the city in this trouble time seemed to be reflected in her life. Something that was once beautiful and peaceful had been wretched to bits and scattered. However, the people of Riverfall had never been ones to give up, and Lilith wasn't about to give up either.


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Light Blue Shirt
-Simple Black Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak/coat
-Simple Sensible Shoes
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Bone)
-Brush (Bone)
-Flint & Steel


After the death of Lilith's father, her mother gave her a simple gold ring belonging to him. He had always told stories of how it had been past down in his family ever since the Valterrian. No one knew whether or not to believe the stories, but he told them none the less.


A single room at Nia's boarding house with simple furnishings and a couple dozen candles.

Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM

Skills, Lores, Languages

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Unarmed Combat 5 SP 5 Novice
Cello 30 SP 30 Competent
Persuasion 15 RB, 15 SP 30 Competent

Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Tukant
Poor Language: Kontinese

Lore of Riverfall Streets
Lore of Playing Music by Ear

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Lilith Krahe
Posts: 21
Words: 19100
Joined roleplay: March 17th, 2012, 6:40 pm
Race: Human
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