Accomplishments There is something so inherently satisfying about reaching your goals and accomplishing something that once seemed so very, very far away. Yes this is true for my real life as well, but for the moment I am talking completely about Mizahar. Specifically I am talking about Evalin. Evalin has grown over the years... or rather, she has grown in spurts and at times it felt like she was going absolutely no where at all. Seriously I created her 2 years ago and for the LONGEST time she felt stagnant, like she had no drive, no purpose. She was counted among the "Big Five" (I quote this because I did not claim it at first lol), but among the other members of this group of evil Mizahar PC's Evalin was always more of a... pretty face. Seriously, someone said she was like the mascot. That pretty evil chick that is super weak that is like the first person the good guys defeat, and afterwords defeat her over and over again. That honestly got to me, because in my mind Evalin always felt like so much more. I don't know what changed in me. I think it was that one moment last Fall where I said "You know what, I want to do something with this character for nano". Yep, all of this started with Nano, and let me say Nano now feels like something HUGELY inspiring for me now. In one season I raised Familiary from novice to expert. ONE SEASON! How did i do that when I worked for YEARS before and got no where? Its because, finally, I was not waiting for plots to happen. I was creating them for myself. I discovered the secret then to how you make your character what you want her to be. You can't be a leech and mooch off of others plots like I always did. you have to proactively seek out and create your own plots and inspire YOURSELF to do and be more. I hate training threads, still do, and you know what I don't EVER do a training thread. I've found out that the skill points literally flood in when you write every solo with a purpose and do some form of character development, and you know what between fall and Spring I have seen SO much development in Evalin its unreal, which brings be back to my original point. In these 3 seasons Evalin has grown and changed more than I ever thought possible. She is doing things I always dreamed she would do, but finally I took it into my own hands to make it happen. She experienced crippling loss and confusion, found what she thought was romance, is experiencing politics and driving forward her end goals for Uldr, she is plotting with players and ST's and ICly plotting to start a WAR in Falyndar! Will that actually happen? Heck if I know! the fun is not in knowing the end result, it is working toward the goal and seeing where it ends up. It may all end up blowing up in Evalin's face, but you know what that is fine too. This is so fun I can't even describe it. And Finally, to top it off, I want to say how much I LOVE Familiary as a magic. With it I have explored such depths with Evalin that I was amazed at what I found. I peeled back the layers and found, hidden within that cheeky/angry exterior was a little girl inside who only wanted love and companionship, and in Zinrah she was looking for it in all the wrong places. She displaced her relationship with her Familiar, and over the course of 3 seasons I got too see the dynamic between Evalin and Tsenrika shift and change until the dramatic conclusion which I JUST finished. It was so exciting, writing this last solo. I cant even describe it. Its like watching everything you have dreamed of coming together at last in one epic and final conclusion, and do you know what makes it better? THERE IS MORE TO COME! Right now I am feeling such a rush at hitting my goals for Evalin lately. Master Familiary, Expert Reimancy, Competent Morphing. She is changing into the manipulative evil witch I have always wanted to be, and FINALLY I feel like Evalin is a REAL villain, one worthy to be hated en mass. Sometimes it surprises me how deep she is as a character, and in this last solo I explored that even more and saw how she twisted and deceived herself into believing something that could never be hers. But, then again, maybe the real twist is that she really COULD have been happy with this 'love' she found. But it was never meant to be. Evalin is the deepest character I have ever written. The more I dig the more gold and jewels I find beneath. I feel like, with her, I can look again and again and each time I will find a new side to her. She is evil yes, but she is evil with a purpose. That is what i love about her. She is so human in some ways, and so inhuman in others and it all ties back to her relationship with her Familiar. Its like an epic seesaw where she tilts one way and then the other depending on the situation. I can't wait to see what else is in store for her, and I am going to work hard to keep making her a real Mizahar Villain. Till next time, Happy Writing! Eva |